Getting Ready.

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Lola's POV

"I can't believe we're finally leaving this shit hole we call school." Eliza said as we hugged after graduation.

"I just can't wait to move to LA with all you sluts. No parents to tell us what to do." Summer said rolling her eyes at that last part.

"Shut the fuck up. You love us for being the way we are.... slut." I said joking around with Summer. We really aren't sluts we just liked calling each other that for some weird reason.

"Wait so when are we leaving to the airport?" Stella asked.

"Oh my god. I already told you. I'm not going to repeat myself again." Summer told her. She's always the one to tell us straight up and that's why we loved her, because she wasn't afraid to say what she wanted to say. She's the real MVP.

"We leave at 8. Eliza you're driving us all to the airport right?" I asked.

"I mean I guess." she said. We would always make her drive us around.

"Good. I'll be waiting so get to my house on time." Summer told her. "I'll see you guys later."

We said our goodbyes and took our on paths. I can't believe we're finally moving in all together, just how we said we would. Our dream was finally coming true at last.

Even thought we would always talk about it, I never thought it would actually be happening. We planned it this way because our parents were the type to never have time for us. I could get drunk right in front of them and they wouldn't even care.

In fact, they didn't even bother showing up at graduation today. I could care less at this point but it would have been nice to have them here. But just like always they had work to do.

As soon as I got home I blasted my music and started getting all my stuff together. I had two suitcases full with clothes, shoes and the other basic things I'll be needing.

My music stopped playing which meant someone was calling me.

"Hello?" I answered without looking at the caller ID.

"Turn your music down. I can hear it all the way from my house." Stella said.

"Where are you?" I asked her.

"I just walked into your house. I have my bags with me." she said hanging up and appearing next to me. Yeah cool just walk in.

"You only have one bag to take?" I asked her.

"Umm yeah.... hello we're going to LA which means shopping. I'm just taking enough for a month. How much are you taking?" She asked walking into my room.

"Two. I did shopping here..... I guess I should have waited." I said regretting the fact I did that.

"Only you." Stella said falling back on my bed.

"Why are you here so early?" This was Lola time.

"I figured I would save Eliza the drive." she said chuckling. She didn't even live far away.

"Then should we just go over to Summers now? It's already 5." I questioned her.

"Yeah let's go. Save Eliza another drive."


"Why are you guys here so early?" Summer said opening the door and letting us walk in with all our crap.

"Eliza said to meet at your house." Stella told her. Fucken lie.

"I'm not ready though. Go away and come in an hour." Summer said annoyed.

"We can help you." I told her.

"No." she said.

"God damn Summer, we haven't even moved in together and I'm already ready to kick you out." Stella told her. I just chuckled. These two are always going at it.

"Hey umm Eliza just texted me and she said she's on her way." I informed them.

"It's barely 6." Summer said.

"The sooner the better." I said sending her a smile.

I got an eye roll in return.


"Oh shit guys! If I was the one in charge of the tickets, I forgot them." Eliza said checking her purse.

"What the hell! Now we can't leave!" Summer said getting pissed off.

"Chill chill. Guys I have the tickets." I said waving them in front of their faces.

"Good because I was about ready to slap someone." Summer said.

We did everything that had to be done at the airport and soon we were on our way to LA.

I was the first one to knock out, like always. But I didn't really care because next time I open my eyes we will be in LA, where our new lives will start.


Hope everyone enjoyed the first chapter. This is my first fan fiction ever so this is kinda scary.

Stay calm, the boys will soon make an appearance. ;)

Please leave me feedback and don't forget to vote and follow if you'd like :)

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