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North's POV

"Tell me the truth!" Axel shouts, Aria looking at him as if he spoke normally to her. Mr. B said that Axel would be playing the role of the headmaster, and we were to not intervene no matter what happened. I clench my fist, not liking the fact Axel is shouting at her, even if it to make sure she doesn't break.

"I'm telling you the truth sir. I don't have a personal connection with Mr. Blackbourne or Dr. Green." Aria's voice remains emotionless, almost as if she is bored which makes me want to laugh. Her face doesn't even flinch, looking bored with the questioning, which makes me proud but also worried. For her to be this good and unmoved by it, it means she is used to this kind of treatment. Axel sighs and looks at Mr. B, a smirk on his face.

"She's good." I look over at my baby girl, her remaining motionless even though her eyes tell me she wants to jump up and have a victory dance. I smile at her, finding myself completely at ease. Her face turns to Mr. B, his eyes already on her.

"Well done Ms. Doukas. You can do whatever you wish now." As soon as he gives her permission to move, her fist goes into the air as she does a little victory dance in her seat causing all of us to laugh and smile at her. Aria looks around at us all, her face practically glowing with pride, reminding me of when Mr. B came down after going upstairs with Aria and the Doc.

I am about to answer Silas when Mr. B enters the room, his hair shifted slightly from his hands running through it numerous times from the looks of it. I look at my brother slightly distressed as he is usually do put together.

"Mr. Korba, Mr. Taylor, what does Δεν θα αφήσω κανέναν να πάρει την οικογένειά μου μακριά από μένα (I wouldn't let anyone take my family away from me) mean?" He asks, his voice commanding an answer. I think he pronounced it slightly wrong, but I would expect that from someone who doesn't know the language well. I understood enough to make a sentence out of it, and I look over at Silas, him understanding what he said slightly but confusion also in his eyes. We both look at our leader, and I allow Silas to answer as he knows I will question the reason behind him wanting to know.

"It means: I wouldn't let anyone take my family away from me." Silas explains, making me look at our brother closely as it registers in his mind. Pride takes over, Mr. B turning around to return upstairs when I speak.

"Why did you want to know? Is Aria baby okay?" I ask, worried about the girl who worked her way into my heart when we were kids. Mr. B looks back at me, a different look in his eyes that I haven't seen before. He sighs, smoothing his tie down before looking back at me.

"Ms. Doukas is perfectly alright." I realize he completely ignored the first question, which is unlike Mr. B, but I let him go up the stairs and back to my baby.

"Aria, I want you to do it though." Angelika's voice cuts through, followed by Aria's giggles. I look at my baby, her eyes watching her best friend as she begs Aria to do... something. Aria rolls her eyes, despite the smile playing on her lips.

"Okay, okay. But if it goes wrong, it isn't my fault." Aria says, her hands up in a surrendering position. Angelika takes this opportunity to tackle Aria to the ground, causing a millisecond of pain to come across Aria's face before she laughs wholeheartedly. Angelika gets up quickly, running towards the front door where they left the bags.

"Are you okay маленькая голубка (little dove)?" I look over at the Russian, realizing I wasn't the only one to see the pain that crossed her face even it lasted for a blink of an eye. Aria looks over, her eyes going to everyone when she realizes we all saw it.

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