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my love

Hey cocopuff.

What's that?

Oh, hey, baby. I thought you were Zain.

Why are you calling Zain cocopuff?

I'm trying to find something cool to call him. Like he calls you monster, you know? Something special.

Cocopuff is stupid, though.

It is, baby, I was being silly.
Where's Zain?

With daddy. They're looking in all the closets. It's because we're moving.

Did you ask before you took his phone?

I'm allowed!

So you didn't.
Baby, you gotta ask before you take other people's things.

But I'm always allowed.

Still. You gotta ask.
What are you doing while Louis and Zain are looking around? Do you get to help?

I have to put all my toys in boxes in my room.
Daddy and I got them yesterday.
But that's boring and maybe I'll need them so I can't.

You need all of them?

Yes! Because if I want to play I need them but I don't know that I want to play tomorrow. Maybe dinosaurs or maybe police or maybe football, I don't know.

But when you're going to visit your grandma you don't take everything either, right?
So why don't you pack your backpack like you're going to visit grandma and put the other toys in the boxes.

I guess.

Don't look like that, baby. I'm just trying to help.
How was football yesterday? Did you have fun?

Yes! I shot a goal!
But only daddy was there to watch me.

That's not enough?

No! It's better if everyone is watching. Why wasn't you and Zain there?

We were at my house. You remember my house, right? It's where you're moving. And we were making sure that you can put all your toys in your room.

And can I? Do they all fit?

Of course, baby, don't worry. You can bring all your toys.

Good. Because I need all of them.

I know, baby.
Can I talk to Zain for a moment? Can you give the phone to him?


—everything in boxes tomorrow, most of it will stay in boxes probably, except clothes and —
Monster, why do you have my phone?

Harry wants to talk to you!

Alright, thanks.
What's up, babe?

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