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"What are you doing here?" Gemma asks, opening the door. She looks like they woke her up, her hair a messy bun on top of her head and no makeup on. She yawns, scratching her nose.

"Moving my crap, as you said," Harry says, kissing her cheek.

"Oh, right," Gemma answers, hugging Harry tightly before pushing him away to hug Zain, careful to not disturb Freddie. "That's good, actually, Perrie is coming tomorrow to sign the work contract and stuff, and she's gonna have a look at the flat as well, stay the night and all that."

"She hasn't told me," Zain says, not really put out but still somewhat miffed that he hasn't been informed.

"You're old news, babe. Pez has a me now, she doesn't need you anymore."

Zain snorts. "Thanks."

"What's up with the monster, since when does he sleep during the day?"

"Harry went for a run and took him along and then they did yoga. Not sure how much of a workout it was for Harry but Freddie is knackered," Zain says.

"Oh, Harry had a good idea for once?" Gemma asks, stroking Freddie's back.

"Oi!" Harry says. "I have brilliant ideas."

"Meh," Gemma says, waggling her hand. "Put him on my bed, babe. We can leave the door open," she adds, hiding another yawn against her elbow.

"Why are you so tired?" Harry asks, raising his voice slightly as he vanishes into his room.

"I went out," Gemma shrugs nonchalantly, leaning against the doorway and watching Zain lay Freddie on the bed.

"With?" Zain prompts her, covering Freddie with Gemma's blanket and stroking his hair.

She shrugs at him, blushing slightly. "Guy I met via work. The normal way," she adds.

"The old-fashioned way," Zain teases her, poking her side.

She laughs, shrugging. "He's nice. He knows who I am, and who Harry is, but he hasn't asked for anything which is always good. What are you doing?" she adds incredulously, putting her hands on her hips.

"Putting my stuff away," Harry answers, frowning at her.

"Don't put it in the closet!" Gemma says. "Pez is gonna move in. She can't live here with your crap taking up the closet space."

"Isn't she just staying while she looks for an flat? What does she need all this space for?"

"What do you need it for, honestly," Gemma retorts, letting herself fall onto the bed. "And she'll be staying with me indefinitely. Well. We're giving it a try, the first three months are the test run but if we get along she's not gonna get another flat."

"Great," Zain says, laying down beside her. "Everything I ever wanted. You and Perrie getting along."

"Right?" Gemma grins at him. "Dream come true. Anyways, Harry. You can leave a few changes of clothes, but the rest needs to go. We can take it to mum's and you can decide if you need it in London."

"I guess I could move the clothes to Zain's," Harry says, looking over his shoulder at Zain.

"Sure," Zain shrugs. "I could definitely use a few more shirts."

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