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call on my phone
my battery is the fullest
apparently that's reason enough


Oh, hi mum.

Hi, baby. How are you?

I'm good. Did you make Zain give up his phone?

Just for this call, baby, we haven't taken it hostage or anything.
Zain says you've been working every day since you went back, you're taking today off, aren't you?

I am, mum. Tell Zain to stop tattling on me.

He just worries, baby. So do I.

One of you is enough. And he doesn't need to tattle.

Don't pout, baby. It's good that your boyfriend worries about you.

You like him then?

Gemma adores him and you always light up when you talk about him, it's hard not to.

Yes, but now you've met him. What do you think?

I do like him as well. I just. Are you sure you're not moving too quickly? You've only known him a couple of months.

I know. I just. It feels perfect when I'm with him and seeing him made him only more perfect, even though he's not. You know?

I know.

Gemma and he joke that they are soulmates, you know? And don't let them hear but...

Oh baby, you're so gone.

Mum, don't start teasing me as well. Gemma does enough. And Zain actually. And Niall. And Nick.

So everyone. Oh, darling.


Oh, alright. Tell me what you've been up to, then.

Nothing much, mostly work. We finished recording the song, but we still don't have a name so don't ask. Niall is coming over before he leaves for London again, maybe tomorrow already and I promised Nick I'd call. The usual, you know.

Niall is coming over, how nice. He's such a sweet boy.

Mum, he's 23 already, he's not a boy.

You'll all be boys to me forever. How is Liam? Have you talked to him recently?

Not much. We text. You know we didn't really hang out so much outside work.

I just hope you don't lose touch. I don't want you to regret it.

It's fine, mum, we talk. There is just not that much overlap. You never lecture Gemma about her uni friends.

Well, Gemma is not like you, baby. She has lots of people with similar experiences. You really only have Liam and Niall.

You always manage to make it sound like we're escaped a weird cult, mum.

You kind of are. Robin says hi by the way.

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