One and One Make Two (Chapter 26)

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**Cass is older k

Title Creds:

Song: Tribute
Album: Tenacious D
Artist: Tenacious D


*Cassidy's POV*

I woke to my horrid posession called an alarm clock. I groaned in agony and stood up out of bed. I trudged down the hallway, followed by tripping over nothing, but catching myself so I didn't hit the ground.

"Shit," I mumbled under my breath.

I walked carefully into the kitchen to see my dads drinking coffee and conversing.

"Hi baby girl," Patrick smiled.

"Ugh," I whined.

"How did you sleep last night?" Pete asked.

"Awful," I said.

"Aw, why?" Asked Patrick.

"Next time, keep it down," I told them.

Their eyes went wide and they looked at each other, at me, and then back at each other. Didn't think the twelve year old would say that would you?

"Now, give me coffee," I demanded.

"With that attitude you're not getting anything," Patrick threatened.

"You can't tame me."

"But we can ground you," Pete retorted.



Since my dad has to come to school a hell of a lot earlier than any students, I have to sit alone for a while for my friend Tiffany, but she kinda sucks. There are other people here, but I dislike most of them. I'm honestly surprised; there's normally more people on the first day of school.

"Can I sit here?" I heard a voice say.

"Yeah, sure," I replied.

"I'm Elizabeth," the blonde introduced.

"Cassidy. You can call me Cass if you'd like."

"Did you go to meet the teacher?" She asked.


"Isn't that Mr. Wentz teacher kinda cute?"

This is awkward.

"Okay. Ew. Gross. No.'


"That's my dad, man," I said.

"Oh," she repeated.

"Anyways," I started. "You're in seventh grade...?"


"Same here. Let me see your schedule."

She handed it to me.

"Let's see... We have first, third, fourth, and seventh together."

"We have your dad's class together?"

"Yup, let's raise hell," I gave an evil smirk.

"Fuck yeah!" She exclaimed.

"I have a question. Why did you choose to sit with me, possible the lameist person on the face of this planet?" I asked.

"I'm new this year, and I saw you sitting alone, and I was hoping to make a new friend," she said shyly.

"I'm actually very glad you chose me. I have one friend and she's kind of shitty. Oh, look, there she is with her boyfriend, ignoring me."

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