Always (Chapter 34)

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(A/N Ayyyy this is the last chapter. This is making me really really sad that it's over because I've been writing this for over a year and it's finally over. I almost cried like srsly guys. ILY ~Samantha~)

*Patrick's POV*

Pete, Cassidy, and I all sat in the living room. Pete's arm was wrapped around my shoulders, mine around his waist. My free hand rested on my belly. I looked down at it. I looked like I was about to pop. Well, for someone who's just about nine months pregnant, that's expected.

Then, the doorbell rang.

"I got it," I said, struggling to get up.

Pete stood up, laughed, and pulled me up. He walked with me to the front door. I observed his movements. His knee was still a little messed up from the accident, so he had a little limp. It made me truly sad that he'll never be able to even walk the same way he did before. I sighed and contemplated answering the door. I knew who it was, that's what scared me most. I reached my hand to the knob and twisted it. In the doorway, there stood my parents. They looked happy to see me, but also in shock.

My mom pulled me into a hug, tearing up, and said, "You've changed so much."

I just pulled away from her and motioned for them to come inside. We sat crowded in the living room.

"So," my father started. "What exactly are we speaking about today?"

"I feel like this is so much to ask for but I'm a little short on rent this month and I don't want to lose our apartment. We have all but about three-hundred of it."

"Well Patrick, I'm just really glad you aren't afraid of asking for help if needed. You've really proven yourself," my father said.

Those words. I thought I would never hear come out of his mouth. I sat in shock for about fifteen seconds before I steadied myself.

"How far along are you?" my mother asked.

"I'm about thirty-eight weeks. I'm on maternity leave now, and I have an appointment Tuesday to be induced into labor," I smiled.

"I remember when I first had you," she laughed lightheartedly. "I looked at you, you were so beautiful. I knew you'd be a ladies' man. But, you've found your love. He may not be a lady, but that's okay. Over the years, I've thought a lot. How I reacted was irrational, and I regret every moment I've acted that way."

I was frozen stiff. I felt as if my ears were deceiving me. Did I actually hear that? Did she really say that?

"I honestly don't know how to reply," I said, still in shock.

"It's okay," my dad said. "I wouldn't either."

"I'm not expecting you to forgive us. But, I think we can give you the money you need."

"Thank you guys so much."

"You've obviously worked so hard for this place, and it would be tragic seeing you lose it. If we didn't help but had the option to, in my opinion, would tear me apart. You three are my sons and granddaughter. I've already missed so much of your lives, and I don't want to miss any more or make it miserable," my dad said.

Today is an interesting day, if I am not wrong.

"Let us take you out to lunch and we can discuss this more, okay?"


I sat in my hospital bed, awaiting my doctor. His name is Doctor Turner, and he looks exactly like Steve Carell. It had to be said. (Okay this is based off my doctor, Dr. Turner. HE LOOKS LIEK STEVE CARELL. ~Sam~)

"All right, Patrick, you ready?" Turner said.

I nodded. I watched as the needle punctured my skin, releasing oxytocin in my body. Soon enough, contractions started.

I had a death grip on Pete's hand during each one. I swear I almost broke his hand, but I didn't. Eventually, I was dilated enough to go in for operation.

I was given another shot to numb my body, as well as others so prep me. I was almost completely out of it, but I was awake. Barely.

Pete was right there next to me the entire way through, which was nice. Eventually I heard a baby crying. Baby Julianne had taken her first breath. While she was getting cleaned off, I was getting stitched up.

I woke up in a recovery room. Cassidy, my parents, and Pete were all in the room. Cassidy was holding Julianne, which was possibly the sweetest sight I have ever seen. But it's my baby, I took Jules from her.

I looked down at her. She was fast asleep, sucking on a pacifier. She wriggled around in her receiving blanket, undoing her swaddle. She whined slightly, signaling me she was hungry. I let my mother reswaddle her and make a bottle. She handed Julianne back to me. I watched her suck on the bottle, smiling a little.

I was told friends would be coming periodically throughout the next few days. Because there's so many of us, things might be a little crowded. Hillary was coming that day, though.

Speaking of the devil, she rushed into the room. She was still dressed in her work uniform, and she looked extremely stressed out.

She sanitized her hands quickly and told me, "Give me that baby."

Since hospitals are stupid, only one person can stay overnight with you, and they have to be over eighteen. Pete stayed with me, of course.

Julianne was in the hospital provided, makeshift, bassinet. Pete pulled a chair next to the bed and sat down. He kissed the back of my hand. He held onto it.

"Patrick?" he broke our silence.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"Will you marry me?"

At that moment, my heart melted.

"Of course I will."

The End.

(A/N That was short and shitty (liek ur dick lol) ANYWAYS, no there will not be a sequel. But, I have more to announce if you keep reading. ILY. ~Samantha~)


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