Heaven Doesn't Seem Far Away Anymore (Chapter 31)

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Title Creds:

Song: A Drop in the Ocean
Album: Daylight
Artist: Ron Pope

(A/N I LOVE RON POPE WITH ALL MY LIFE OKAY? ILY. Also, little announcement thingy: I locked myself out of my tumblr, so I had to make a new one. It's @agaynessyoucantsweatout. I don't regret my url. ~Samantha~)

"You don't always need a plan. Sometimes you just need to breathe, trust, let go, and see what happens." -Mandy Hale

*Patrick's POV*

I am sick of the color white. I am sick of sleeping in a chair. I am sick of basically living in a hospital. I am sick of morning sickness. I am sick of everything.

Text from: Andy
Come by our place at say... 5:30? Bring Cass too :)


Well, Cassidy will be at school for about another hour, so I have a good bit of time alone with Pete in this dull hospital.

"So uh, it's the beginning of October..." I trailed. "You've been here for what, four months? How can you handle this? I'm about to admit myself to the mental ward upstairs," I laughed. "Tonight I have to go to Joe and Andy's house. That means I have to leave you here all alone. Also, I've been job hunting. I'm starting this Monday at a music store not too far from here. It's a nice little place."

A part of me felt like I was talking to myself, but I knew he could hear me. I needed to run by the house before I picked up Cassidy, so I needed to leave early. I gathered some things (as well as my emotions), gave him a quick peck on the lips, and made my way out of the hospital.

At the house, I threw my dirty clothes with the others I have neglected to wash. I gathered new ones. Through my hunt for clean clothes that will actually fit my belly, I stumbled across Pete's ring. I carefully placed it in my pocket.

I left to get Cassidy from school. She climbed in the car, huffing loudly.

"What's up with you?" I asked her.

"Can I do online school?" she frowned.

"Why do you think that, sweetie?"

"I mean, I get made fun of a lot because I have two dads and Pete being in the hospital, and all that jazz..." she trailed.

"We'll have a deeper conversation later, okay? What about Elizabeth?"

"She said she understands why I want to."

"We'll see."

I pulled into the parking lot of the hospital. When it comes to elevators, Cassidy is the stereotypical child. She loves pressing the button. I laughed at her childishness.

We didn't stay in the room for long, it was nearing five o'clock. Before we left, I had to do something. I pulled Pete's ring out of my pocket and picked up his left hand. I slipped it on his ring finger, smiling to myself a bit.

The car ride was an awkward silence, but yet a bit comfortable at the same time. I pulled into the drveway of the Hurley-Trohman home. There were other cars here, what looked like all of our friends. I furrowed my eyebrows togther and a quick 'hm' came from the back of my throat. Cassidy had a little smirk on her face, she knows whats up.

I knocked on the front door. Joe opened it, welcoming us in. He lead us to the living room, whose lights were off. They flicked on and everyone yelled , "Surprise!"

I jumped a little at first. There was pink streamers everywhere and a banner that said 'Its a Girl!' I smiled widely, tears forming in my eyes instantly.

"You guys... are the best," I laughed, a few tears escaping.

"Oh, we know," Meagan chuckled.

That night was definitely one of the best nights of my life. My amazing friends kept my mind on the positive, taking troubles off my mind for a while. There were a few emotional times when my mind flooded with the image of Pete at the car crash scene, but I was instantly cheered up when they would keep me occupied. For the presents, I got almost everything I needed; clothes, diapers, pacifiers, formula, bottles, and blankets were all given. Pete and I knew we were going to have another baby some day, so I think we still have a crib from when Cass was little. A bassinet is something we need, and new car seat. I think I got that covered though. Eventually, the night was over, and everyone went home.

Cassidy wanted to go home, so we spent the night at the apartment. The next morning we went back to the miserable white room.

*Cassidy's POV*

The doctor called Patrick to the hallway to talk to him. Every time she did that, it worried me a little more. He came back bawling. Oh god. I stood up and hugged him, attempting comfort. The doctor started messing with the machine.

"Daddy, what is she doing?" I whispered to him.

He pulled away from our hug, sighed, and put both his hands on my shoulders. He gave me a very serious but sympathetic look. This can't be happening. I was expecting a flatline, but instead I heard the heart monitor keep beeping.

"Guys..." the doctor said.

He's alive. Thank the fucking lord! Patrick looked at her like she was some kind of thaumaturge (that's right, I use big words). The doctor, Dr. Lynch, said progress is progress, so he could be waking up tomorrow, or it still could take weeks. Pete is an interesting one, she told us.

In the next few days, it happened. His eyes fluttered open slowly. We called for Dr. Lynch, who came rushing in. Even though he was a little disoriented, scratch that, very disoriented, Patrick engulfed him into a very large hug. He soon realized what was going on and pushed him off gently.

His eyebrows furrowed, and he squinted his eyes faintly.

"Wh-who are you?"

At that moment, I knew I was about throw up.

(A/N When ur readers hardly ever comment anymore ILY. ~Samantha~)

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