Coffee's For Closers (Chapter 9)

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(A/N I JUST PAINLESSLY FELL OFF THE RECLINER AND I STARTED TO CRY ANYWAYS. I reeeeaaaaalllyyyy want coffee but I'm like hyper right now and so don't give me coffee. ILY. ~Samantha~)

*Pete's POV*

"Ready to go?" I asked.

"Yeah, almost, hold on a sec."

Patrick came downstairs in jeans and a HUGE hoodie.

"Do I look stupid?" He frowned.

"You look a little slack, but it's okay."

"Let's go."

The car ride was full of laughter for no apparent reason. 'Trick is very cooky when he's pregnant.

*Patrick's POV*

"We're here," Pete chuckled.

I'm really scared of what his mom will say. I know she won't hurt me in any way, but she will try to take Pete away from me. Fact. We walk into Starbucks and I see Pete's mom sitting in the corner booth.

"No coffee, it's not good for the baby," Pete whispered. (HOW THE HELL DO I KNOW THIS ~Sam~)

"Hot chocolate then," I replied.


We got our drinks and sat with Pete's mom. She gave me a smug look, and then titled her head downwards.

"Hey, mom," Pete sighed.

"Hey sweetheart," she replied.

"So why did you want to meet me here?"

"I wanted to talk to you."


"I want you to come home."

"Why would I?"

"We can get through this together. I mean girls practically throw themselves at you--"

"I don't want to be with a girl! I love Patrick and you can't change me."

"Pete, you don't know what love is."

"Can I say something?" I butted in.

"NO," they said simultaneously.

I put my hands up defensively.

"I'm not going to have a girlfriend, marry her, or anything. I don't swing that way."

I laughed at that. She was... stunned.

"I am your mother and you will listen to me."

"Come on Patrick let's go."

I put an evil smirk on my face and looked over at Pete. I wanted to rub our relationship in her face, so I plant a long kiss on his lips just to get my point across. Everyone gave us weird looks, but it was so worth it. I also held Pete's hand all the way to the car. She must hate me now.

"Did you see her face?" I laughed.

"Yeah, good one," he gave me a high-five.

"That was great," I said.

"Never seeing that bitch again," he giggled.

"WE'RE FREE!" I threw my hands up.

"You could say that," by then he was crying from laughing.

"Oh, Pete, guess what?"

"I'll be eighteen weeks soon, so we might be able to find out what the baby is."

"That's in about a week, right?"

"This upcoming Sunday."

"We can make an appointment when we get home."

"Alright, but where is he slash she going to stay? Joe and Andy have only one spare room."

"We'll worry about that later."

A few minutes later, we pulled in the driveway.

"How'd it go?" Joe asked as we came through the door.

"Fabulous," Pete said sarcastically.

"It sucked," I corrected him.

"Well, on the bright side," Andy started. "She's a bitch and you don't have to hear her shit anymore."

We all laughed and exchanged a bunch of 'I know right' s.

(A/N I feel like this was hella short so IM DOING A DOUBLE UPDATE HELLS YEAH. ILY. ~Samantha~)

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