Bring Your Secrets, Bring Your Scars (Chapter 32)

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Title Creds:

Song: Unpack Your Heart
Album: Behind the Light
Artist: Phillip Phillips

(A/N *laughs nervously and hides picture frame behind back* I so don't have a framed autographed picture of Phillip Phillips haha what are you even talking about? Who's Phillip Phillips? ILY. ~Samantha~)

*Patrick's POV*

"You guys need some time alone," Dr. Lynch said. "Just don't overwhelm him, okay?"

"Again, who are you and where are we...?"

"Calm down," I told him. "We are in the hospital and I'm Patrick, your husband."

"Okay, wait, what? How do I know you're not ly-- prove it."

"Take off your ring," I said. "Look at the engraving."

For I'd Found Love

And Love Was Me

He raised both his eyebrows and slipped it back on.

"What about her? Who's she?" Pete pointed at Cassidy.

"I'm living proof, duh," she said.

"This, is our daughter, Cassidy."

"Okay," he rubbed his temple. "Please explain why we are here, what happened, and why don't I remember you?"

"Well," I sighed. "I was born with a rare condition, I was... uh, born with a uterus. I am currently about five months pregnant with our baby. Anyways, when we first found out I was pregnant," I took a shaky breath. "You had recently gotten fired from your job. We, uh... fought, you left the house," a few tears escaped my eyes. "And some asshole crashed his car into yours. You were in a coma for a little over four months, and it seems that you lost your memory."

"What? Pregnant? How?"

I sat on the bed next to him. I grabbed his hand and placed it on my belly.

"Let's see if you can feel her move," I said.

I think he did, his face lit up and he half smiled.

"I have an appointment this Saturday if you'd like to come with me."

"What day is it?"

"Sunday October eleventh." (I would put the year but literally I have no idea what year this is in rn no joke ~Sam~)

Eventually Dr. Lynch came back to check up on Pete. She asked him questions about his life to see if he remembered anything. He was absolutely clueless. The poor soul didn't even know his own name.

"Patrick can I speak to you?" she asked, pulling me into the hallway. "If you could fill out some paperwork he can be discharged. Every couple weeks he should come back here so we can check up on his progress."

After a long pile of papers to go through, Pete was finally discharged. I packed everything up and we were on our way home.

"God it's a mess in here," I mumbled.

Pete lingered around the livingroom. He picked up a picture from the shelf of the two of us and observed it carefully. A single tear slid down his cheek.


"Why?" he whispered, barely audible.

"Why what?" I asked.

"Why me? I- I just ruined it all," he cried.

"You didn't ruin anything," I reassured him. "The accident wasn't your fault."

"Still," he sobbed, falling back on the couch.

He rested his head on the arm of the couch, falling asleep.

"Pete," I shook him awake. "Dinner is ready."

"Hm, what'd you make?" he yawned, stretching his arms.

"Just some chicken noodle soup."

Cassidy set the table. For about half the time, we sat in an incredibly awkward silence.

"So," I started. "I have work tomorrow and Cassidy has school. Tomorrow is your last day, so remember to return your textbooks. Pete, are you okay with being alone?"

He nodded slightly. After dinner, I sat down with him at the table.

"When you first got in the wreck," I sighed. "The police told me I could sue for pretty much everything the bastard's got. But, I want to make sure it's okay with you."

"We can call a law firm tomorrow."

Then, it was time for bed.

"I can sleep out here, if you rather me..." I trailed.

He looked down and nodded slightly. I grabbed my pillows from our bedroom and some extra blankets from the linen closet.

That call, it went very well. We met with a lawyer that Thursday and figured out information and how much we're suing for. Pete's bills are tens of thousands of dollars, plus a new car, stress, anxiety, diminishment of a relationship and such.

Friday, everybody came over to see Pete. He got a little anxious because he doesn't know any of the people that were there, so they didn't stay long.

Then came Saturday. When Ella saw Pete sitting in the chair against the wall, her jaw dropped to the floor.

"Oh my god Pete! You're okay!" she exclaimed.

He looked confused on what was going on.

"Oh, Pete, uh this is Ella, my doctor," I said.

She was confused as well, she didn't know what had occurred in the last seven days. I had to explain to her what was going on. Pete looked ashamed of what has happened to him, but he really shouldn't.

"Let's get started," Ella changed the subject.

She poured the gel on my belly.

"And there she is," she smiled. "Let's see if we can find the heartbeat."

At the sound of the constand beat of the baby's heart, Pete smiled purely. He looked happy, which he hasn't been the last few days.

"So, have you thought of names?" asked Ella.

"We haven't really discussed it yet," I said.

"Mmmkay, here are some pictures and I'll see you again in four weeks," she smiled, handing me the ultrasound pictures.

Later that evening, we talked about names.

"I like Julianne Bailey," Pete said.

"I like Julianne and Bailey, but They don't really flow. Julianne Bailey Wentz. No. Halle Faith?"

"Hm... I don't know..."

"How about we take the Julianne from yours and Faith from mine. Julianne Faith Wentz."

"Perfect," he smiled.


Pete still doesn't really know everything about me again, so I feel like just an acquaintance. I feel friend zoned. I've been sleeping on the couch, it makes him a little more comfortable. I still have an undying love for him, I just don't know if he feels the same anymore. That's what scares me most.

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