Do I Have To? (Chapter 1)

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(A/N hi guys. Um here's a new fic to dry your tears of my other. Whoops. This is for @twentyboypanic21 she wanted an mpreg so here ya go chica. ILY. ~Samantha~)

*Patrick's POV*

"Wake up, Patrick! We have to go!" My mom rips the blanket off of me.

"Do I have to?" I groan.

"Yes, church is very important."

Like I give a fuck, mom.


I force myself up and put on my 'required' khakis and a button up shirt. I trudged down the hallway to the bathroom. I finger through my hair and quickly brush my teeth. It's a church, they won't judge, right? I hope not. (Lies. ~Sam~)

"Patrick! Come on!" My father yelled from downstairs.

I start to walk down the steps, until I start falling. I swear the edge of every step hit either my back or my ribs. This is going to be a great day (hint the sarcasm).

"Oh, goodness Patrick, are you okay?" My mom gasped, running over to me.

"I'm fine," I sit up, hissing from the pain.

I guess I'm okay, but I'm not fabulously spectacular.

"Let's just go," I said while my dad helped me up.

The car ride was even more annoying. My parents played that stupid Christian music, and I just wanted it to stop. We finally pull up to the church. I keep it on the down low until:

"Patrick!" I heard a voice behind me.

I close my eyes and sigh.

"Hey Mrs. Melanie," I force a smile, pretending I'm actually happy to be here.

She hugs me and kisses me on the cheek. First of all, you're not family. You do not show any family-like affection to me whatsoever.

I hate this place. I hate the majority of the people here, they're just so fucking creepy. I don't even think most everyone here doesn't like me either. I don't have but one friend, and she's certainly not here. Or in this state, actually.

Sunday school. Great. My dad is my school teacher, which makes it all the worse. He is so serious about this stuff, it's kind of scary. I'm not used to him being serious. I'm used to my silly, cooky dad that always makes bad puns. When it comes to church, he's serious as hell and it makes me almost piss myself. Oh nice today's lesson is Romans. His favorite. I've learned to tune him out, and mentally play music in my head. As soon as I knew it, Sunday school is over.

The service was even more boring. But I kept staring... at this boy. He wears eyeliner and has a flippy haircut. (My way of describing Pete. ~Sam~) He looked bored too, I decided to talk to him. I'm not the best at making friends, I am homeschooled, and I hardly go anywhere, so I get no social time. I am also a very awkward person and I never speak right.

"Uh-um hi," I manage to stutter out.

"What do you want Ric--" he looks up, "Oh."

I guess he thought I was someone else? I don't think I'm going to make friends with him. I mentally slap myself for even bothering.

*Pete's POV*

All during the service this boy kept staring at me. I looked back at him, but then he quickly looked away. He's kinda cute. I know, I just called him cute. I am gay, but I'm just dragged here by my bible humping parents. They say it'll "straighten me out." Very funny mom. I never went to church until I came out, my parents think if I learn the way of God I'll be "better."

"Uh-um hi," I hear a voice.

"What do you want Ric--" I look up and see the boy. "Oh."

Act natural, Pete. "Hi," I gave a small smile.

He seems a little awkward, but it's kinda cute. I try to make friends. Simple (not really).

"I'm Patrick," he says uncomfortably.

"Pete," I reply.

Somehow we got into a conversation about bands.

"I love My Chemical Romance, Panic! At The Disco, All Time Low, just bands in general," he said.

"Me too," I laughed.

"Hey, Imma go get something to eat. Wanna come with? I want to get out of here before my parents find me," he suggested.

"Yeah, sure, let's go," I reply.

I guess I made a new friend today. We sneak off and try to find a place to eat.

(A/N how does you liek my story so far? ILY. ~Samantha~)

I Wanna Scream 'I Love You' From The Top Of My Lungs (Peterick Mpreg)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن