Say You Will (Chapter 25)

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*I've been kinda neglecting the fact they're engaged, so fuck it here we go

Title creds:
Song: Marry Me
Album: Save Me, San Francisco
Artist: Train

(A/N I love Train tbh. HAPPY BIRTHDAY imintheblackperade I love you! ILY. ~Samantha~)

*Pete's POV*

"Since it is the last day of school before Christmas break, I'm not really in the mood to teach," I said. "So, who wants to share what they're doing over the holidays?"

A few kids raised their hands.


"I'm going on a cruise," he said.

"Ooh, nice. Bella?"

"Eating, sleeping, and Tumblr."

"What are you doing over break?" A girl named Alex asked. (@imintheblackperade 😈)

"Well I'm spending time with family and do some Christmas shopping for my daughter," I replied. "Well, since I'm a horrible teacher and forgot to bring a movie, talk amongst yourselves. Keep it a little quiet though."

I graded papers while sitting at my desk.

"You're so gay," I heard Rylan say.

"Hey!" I yelled. "I know you were just playing around, but 'you're gay' is not appropriate in my classroom. That is not cool you literal white crayon."

He looked... surprised. I wouldn't blame him, he just got called useless by his teacher.

"Do you understand me?"

The boy nodded slowly. I think I made my point.

I see that one of my posters had fallen, so I walk across the room to fix it.

"Like, his mom called me a whore because she thinks I'm going to be a teen mom like my sister. I've only met the woman once and she hates every aspect of my life," Gabrielle complained to her friend.

I sucked in air through my teeth and said, "Sucks."

They talked a little bit more until the bell rang. After all of them left, I closed my laptop and placed it gently in my bag, along with papers I haven't bothered to grade yet. I locked the door to my classroom, then walked to my beat up 2007 Ford Focus. I set my bag on the tethered leather seat beside me. (I RHYMED. ~Sam~) I drove home safely.

I slung my bag over my shoulder and made my way to the apartment, opening the door and taking my shoes off inside. I walked into Patrick and I's bedroom, to see him and Cass snuggling on our bed. Cassidy was softly snoring in a light slumber as Patrick caressed her curly brown locks gently..

"Hey," I whispered.

He looked up at me and smiled. He carefully slid out of bed, making sure he didn't wake the sleeping child.

"Can I talk to you in the living room?" Patrick asked.

"Yeah, sure," I said in a confused tone. "Let me change real quick."

I stripped down into just my boxers, then slipping on sweatpants and an ACDC shirt.

I sat on the couch next to Patrick.

"What did you want to talk about?" I asked him.

"I know we have been discussing this for a few weeks, and since you're on break, let's get married."

"Let's do it."

"We can't plan and afford for a wedding currently, so should we just sign papers? I was just thinking..."

"That's fine, whatever you want to do, babe."

"I know it sounds boring. Ooh! I have an idea, we can write vows. It'll make it a little more interesting."

"Okay, I'm down with that. Are you sure you don't want a wedding?"

"I'm sure. Besides, I've been wearing this engagement ring for a little too long," he smiled. "We just need to find someone with a marriage license."

"Cole can do it."


"He has one."

"What even?"

"He has a marriage license."

"For a tough guy I wouldn't expect him to have such a soft side."

"Oh, contraire my love."


We were sitting at the kitchen table, across from Cole. He laid the paperwork in front of us, telling us where to sign.

"Vows?" He said.

"I'll go first," Patrick stated.


Today, we are finally getting married. I know it's not the big day every little kid dreams of, but that's okay. Even if we did have a big wedding, it wouldn't change the quality of our marriage. Even when we fool around like idiots, or if you make me frustrated, my heart still flutters and dances in my chest with every word you say to make it better. And it works. It gets to the point where I can't breathe, you absolutely take my breath away, Peter Wentz. Don't you ever forget it.


I love you. I know those words are a little 'over used' but don't think I don't mean it. Every time I hear those words slip between your lips, I fall deeper in love with you. Right now I don't think I can fall any deeper in love. Our love isn't just some stereotypical relationship like the ones on TV. It's not a forbidden love. It's not half-filled with hatred. It's not some contest made by teenagers to see if they could score the cutest boy. If it were that, I would've won that game by far. And I don't know how much time I have left on this earth, but I know I want to spend it with you.


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