Babe I'm Pregnant (Chapter 6)

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(A/N guys. I love being a girl because my mom just came in my room and was like "you need to go to bed.... Wait did you paint your nails? Are they still wet?" And I'm like "yeah why." And she's like "go to sleep when they dry." I love this. WHY ARE MPREGS SO AMUSING TO WRITE LIKE I CANT. I ALSO HAVE A 70IN SCIENCE IM GOING TO GET MY PHONE TAKEN. But I'm passing. By one point. Whoops. ILY. ~Samantha~)

*Patrick's POV*

"What's the prognosis?" My dad asked.

I'm nervous as hell, so I glance at my mom, giving her the signal to tell him. After she was done, my dad was a fiery red.

"Get out," he said.
"Excuse me?" I sassed.
"You have 15 minutes to leave."
"Where am I going to go?"
"How about to your little boyfriends house."

He made a disgusted face at me. True, true, I could go to Pete's house. (I forgot to say they're dating crapcrapcrapcrapcrap what a writer I am. ~Sam~)

"Alright," I said calmly.

I made my way upstairs and found my biggest bag. I shoved my stuff into my bag and walked back downstairs.

"Peace out," I made the peace sign with my fingers.

Pete's house isn't far, so I walked. I then realized with a heavy bag, it's more dragged out. Once I got to Pete's house, I knocked on the door with a shaky hand. All the emotions just flooded over me, all of a sudden I thought: I have a living thing growing inside me, and I just got disowned. What if he leaves me? I mentally slapped myself for even thinking he would leave me. Will he though?

*Pete's POV*

I was watching TV when there was a quiet knock on the door. I opened it to see my teary-eyed boyfriend at the doorstep.

"Patrick, what's wrong?" I asked, taking him into my arms.
He looked at my mom in the recliner, looked back at me and said, "Can we go into your room and talk about this?"

I led him to my room and sat him down on my bed.

"Tell me what's wrong," I shushed now crying Patrick.
"Remember that one time about a month ago?" He asked.
"Yeah," I chuckled.
"Well, there's this rare condition where a man is born with both reproductive parts. Pete, I'm pregnant."

Oh. Oh my. I'm only seventeen, and I'm going to be a father.

"I still love you anyways," I said.
"I say we keep this baby."
"Well I just got fucking disowned, too."
"You can stay here."
"I can?"
"My mom won't mind."

However, she will mind if she finds out Patrick is my boyfriend. And is pregnant with my child.

"Well I'll go check with my mom, okay?"
"Okay," he sniffled.

I go into the living room and see my mom watching Ghost Busters. Typical her.

"Hey, uh, mom. Can Patrick stay here for a while? He just kinda got kicked out," I explained.
"Oh, okay. How'd he get kicked out?" She asked.
"Uh, I don't know," I lied.

She shrugged it off and went back to watching TV. Well that was easy. I walked back to my room to see Patrick passed out on my bed. His tear stained face was so pitiful, I almost cried myself.

*Patrick's POV*

I woke up on Pete's bed. Why am I here?

"Good morning sleeping beauty," he said sarcastically.
"Very funny," I scowled.
"So you can stay here now," Pete smiled.

Oh yeah. I forgot I was disowned. And pregnant.

"What are we going to do with this again?" I pointed to my belly.
"We are keeping this baby."
"When are we going to tell everyone?"
"We should wait until you're twelve weeks, I know that much about pregnancy. You're four weeks, right?"

I have to hide this for eight more weeks? How lovely is that. ?It's going to be awkward knowing there's a living thing growing inside my body and there's a total of three people know (not counting me or the doctors).

"Maybe we should google this," I suggested.
"Good idea," Pete says, pulling out his phone.

We are going to be horrible parents.

"So you need to go to the women's specialist every four weeks, take prenatal vitamins and folic acid, you need to stay off your feet, and don't inhale water vapor." (Shut up I didn't need to google this I've been dealing with pregnant women since 2008 ~Sam~)
"That's a lot."
"We need to do this in secret. Have you had an ultrasound yet?"
"No. My mom was too angry to take me."
"We can get you an ultrasound and vitamins tomorrow. We have folic acid I think."
"O-okay. Pete?"
"I'm scared about this."
"Don't be."
"I know, but I'm a sixteen year old boy who's pregnant."
"Yes, but you'll be just fine."
"I promise."

(A/N READ DISH: okay so I'm contemplating on whether or not I should do a sequel or not. Either way I know how this story or if I do a sequel that one will end. What do you think? Okay peaskies. ILY. ~Samantha~)

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