Out To Eat (Chapter 11)

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(A/N HHHEEEEYYYYY (young blood) anyways I'd love for you to go to VampireVengence 's page and read her spectacularly amazing fanfics. Like she is fucking awesome. (Fuck is a bad word don't say it) Our Snapchats tho XD ILY. ~Samantha~)

*Pete's POV*

"Alright, let's go," Andy sighed.

"You're just sad that I won," Joe laughed.

It's actually really funny watching them do this. I can't wait to see Andy's face when he sees the bill.

"Ow!" Patrick hissed, grabbing his side.

"OH MY GOD PATRICK ARE YOU OKAY?" I asked, running over to him.

I guess I'm turning into over-protective daddy. Whoops.

"Yeah, she just kicked me in the ribs," he said. "Now help me up."

I chuckled and pulled him off the couch. On the way to McAllisters, we had an interesting conversation about Jell-O.

"I was watching how it's made, right," Patrick laughed. "And they put ground animal bones into the powder mixes." (True story. ~Sam~)

"That just totally ruined Jell-O for me. Thanks a lot Patrick," I frowned.

I looked over at Joe, who was asleep against the window.

"Look at Joe," I giggled.

Andy took one hand off the wheel and smacked his face lightly. I mean, he doesn't want to hurt the dude.

"Hm?" He sat up quickly, pretending like he knew what was going on.

We finally made it to the restaurant. I like to rub Patrick and I's relationship in people's faces, so I interlocked my fingers with his, wearing a 'hell yeah I'm gay and fucking proud of it' face. We got funny looks from everyone, but it's definitely worth it.

"Hi my name is Catherine and I will be your waitress today. Let's start with drinks?"

"I'll have a coke," Patrick said.

"Dr. Pepper," I told her.

"Coke," Joe and Andy said.

Before she walked away, she gave a quick wink. She obviously didn't see my 'hell yeah I'm gay and fucking proud of it' face.

"Who was that for?" I asked.

"She looked in your direction," Andy motioned towards Patrick and I.

"I don't think it was me, I look like crap and I'm fat," Patrick started.

"You look amazing, Patrick," I reassured him, kissing his cheek.

"Thanks," he smiled. "I am kinda fat, though."

"But it's not fat, it's a baby."

"Some of it is fat, that happens when you're pregnant."

"True, true."

Slutwhore Catherine came back with our drinks.

"Are you ready to order?" She asked.

We ordered our food. She gave me a nudge on the arm and raised an eyebrow at me before she walked away.

"That whore," Andy whispered.

"I know," I replied.

"Now we know who it was for," Joe added.

"I swear to god if she tries to pull something," Patrick said.

About fifteen minutes later Catherine finally came back with food. She winked at me once again. I rolled my eyes to make sure she saw. She looked at me weird, as if I wanted her to flirt with me. I sighed and payed attention to my food.

"This is pretty good," Patrick complimented.

"Eh, it's okay," Andy replied.

"I mean, it's not my favorite," I said, shoving fries in my mouth.

"Well it's not mine, either," Patrick smiled. "But it's pretty damn good."

We eventually finished our food, and oh great, Catherine is back.

"Would you like a dessert?" She smirked at me.

"No," we all said simultaneously.

"Can we get the bill?" I asked.

"Sure thing."

She came back a few minutes later with the bill. It has her number on it.

I sighed and gave it to Andy. His eyes widened at the cost.

"Fifty dollars? Seriously?"

"You lost the bet," Joe reminded him.

"Guys I have an idea," I gave a devious smile.

"What?" They all asked.

"Give me the girls number and you'll find out later."

On the way back to the house, I had that same grin on my face.

"Okay so I'm going to text her," I said.


Oh hey! You're the guy from the restaurant right?

Yeah. And you're really pretty.

Thank you!

Too bad I swing the other way.

(A/N cheesy I know 👆hheeeyyy that was short and it kinda sucked and it was a filler chapter I'm so sorry I haven't posted. Um but here...? So I have decided my followers are my children of the corn. 1 more to 100! ILY. ~Samantha~)

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