Hold On (Chapter 30)

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Title Creds:

Song: Hold On
Album: World From The Side of the Moon
Artist: Phillip Phillips

"The only thing stronger than fear is hope." -Catching Fire

*Cassidy's POV*

A man and woman walked into Pete's hospital room.

I leaned over to Patrick and whispered, "Who are these people?"

"Those are Pete's parents."

"You always told me they were bad people."

"They are. They have every right to be here. At least be a little respectful, okay?"

He stood from his chair.

"Long time no see," he laughed awkwardly, shaking their hands.

"Patrick," the woman smiled lightly.

I remember when I was little we used to do activities for Grandparent's Day. I never knew my grandparents, so I asked my parents why I didn't have any. They told me they were bad, bad people. It scared me, not knowing what they've done. Later on, when I was about ten, they told me. I was truly and utterly shocked, why would they do such a thing like that to their own children? They obviously failed as parents. Hell, Patrick was seventeen and Pete was eightteen when they became parents, and they're sure as fuck better than them. Also, it's really sad that they don't even know my name.

"This must be, uh..." my grandfather stumbled.

"Cassidy," Patrick said. "It's sad that you don't even know your own granddaughter's name."

"You know what daddy, I was thinking the same exact thing," I smiled sarcastically.

Patrick raised an eyebrow at me, be respectful. I shot back a glare, hypocrite. I swear to god we're telepathic or something.

"I'm sorry-"

"At least I know your names," I sassed. "Like, who the hell to you think you are coming around here all of a sudden? The only reason why you're here is because Pete is in the hospital. There's no call saying 'Hey, how are you guys doing?' or a 'Hey is my grandchild a boy or girl?' We never got any of that. If you want me to welcome you with open fucking arms, you thought wrong."

"Patrick, are you going to let her say that to us?"

He shrugged, it's true. Man, I'm a mind reader.

"Also, when I was in elementary school, we made little pictures for our grandparents on Grandparent's Day and such. I did the activities as well, but I had no one to give it to. I asked Pete and Patrick why I didn't have any grandparents and they told me you were horrible people. Eventually they told me why. Pete is your son. You disowned him. That's not a very Christian thing to do."

They looked flabbergasted.

"I can't believe you raised your daughter like this," my grandmother said. I shuddered at the thought.

"Excuse me? You just say that because I'm right."

"Guys," Patrick interrupted our fued. "I know we aren't agreeing exactly right now, but let's stay calm, okay? We are arguing on Pete's behalf here. What would he think?"

After a bit, everything was a little bit serene. My blood wasn't boiling, but was still pissed. Then, the police came to talk to Patrick. Great, leave me alone with the bastards. They tried talking to me, but I didn't respond. These people are so ignorant and close minded. I really feel bad for Pete when he was growing up. After what felt like hours, Patrick finally came back.

"What was that about?" I asked him.

"Well," he sighed. "The accident was the other driver's fault. Officer Ford told me I can sue him for totaling our car, mental distress, anxiety, medical treatment, and the diminishment of an important relationship."

"How much is that going to be?" Pete's mom said.

"It depends how much the hospital bill is going to cost. We're going to have to wait."

*Patrick's POV*

"Seventeen weeks," said Ella. "All right... Maybe if I can get the baby to move, we can see what the gender is."

"I'm down with that," I half-smiled.

She pressured my belly in different areas. Sure enough, the baby moved.

"Hm... Ah-ha! Got it! It looks like you're having another girl!" she said excitingly.

I was happy at first, then I remembered that I have to go back to the hospital. Pete's not awake to share the happy news with and see his genuine smile. I miss that so much.

"You okay?" Ella asked me.

"Peachy," I sighed gloomily.

"How's Pete hanging up?" her expression saddened.

"Things haven't gotten worse, but he isn't doing any better."

Later at the hospital, I was the only one.

"Hey Pete," tears started to fall. "Um, Elizabeth invited Cassidy over to get her mind off things and I asked people not to come so it'll just be me and you," I gave a breathy laugh. "Oh, and I found out the sex of the baby. It's a girl, Pete. We're having another baby girl," I sobbed.

I grabbed his hand and kissed the back of it. By instinct I expected a response, but that didn't happen. I need him to wake up already.

"Pete, I need you to wake up. Do you hear me? Fight. Strive to stay with me. You can't leave me. But," I paused. "If you can't, that's okay. Let go if you feel like you need to. I'll be okay, all right? It's been a long battle, I know. Just try and bare with me. You can do it. For me."

(A/N I feel so evil omg. Short. Shitty. Eh. I feel like I've shaped Cassidy's personality out of my own. She's got that little bit of spunk and liveliness to her like I do. ILY. ~Samantha~)

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