Workshop (Chapter 16)

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(A/N ugh PASS testing until Thursday HALP. ILY. ~Samantha~)

*Pete's POV*

"Bye, Patrick! I'm leaving!" I yell from the foyer.
"Bye babe, see you later!" Patrick called back.
"I love you!"
"I love you too!"

I kept the car at silence. I made it to the campus barely on time, but I did it. I casually walked into the classroom. I look around to see old ladies. I was obviously the youngest by far, the next youngest person looked thirty five to thirty seven ish, but I don't really care. We talked about certifications like CPR and that stuff. Dress code. Oh. My. God. The dress code. I have to wear slacks or khakis and dress shoes. And tuck my shirt in. All I have are skinny jeans and band shirts. I can't wear eyeliner either. Well damn.

I don't care if I have to buy more clothes, I'm doing this shit. I don't care. I want to do this. I'm fucking doing this. I'm going to be a teacher.

The workshop was only two hours long, so it was over quickly.

On the way home, traffic. Traffic everywhere. Fuck everything that lives. Fuck. Everything. That. Lives. I call Patrick to tell him I'll be late. He picks up almost instantly.

"Hey Pete," he said, chewing food.
"Hey babe. I'm on Miles Jamison and there's traffic everywhere. I'm going to be home a little late." (I'm losing creativity and am taking names from streets in my town whoops. ~Sam~)
"Aw, but I miss you," he said.
"I know. I miss you too," I replied.
"How long until you get home?"
"About twenty minutes or so, traffic is clearing up a bit."
"I'm going the best I can."
"I have to go, I shouldn't be on the phone while driving."
"Patrick, I don't want to get in a wreck."
"Fine. I love you."
"I love you too. Bye babe."

With that, I hung up. The light finally turned green. I looked to my right to see a car pulling forward. The car stopped quickly, only a few inches from hitting me. I breathed a sigh of relief that I didn't get t-boned. I made my way home safely.

"Hi Patrick," I said, walking into our bedroom.
"Pete! I missed you! Come cuddle me!" He talked a mile a minute.
"Okay," I smiled, plopping down on our bed.
"Come here," he pulled me closer to him.
"Have you even gotten up since I left?" I asked.
"I got up to pee and eat," he said.
"Dude. You need to exercise a bit, it's good for the baby."

*After 2nd day of workshop because I wrote this in class and didn't feel like trying*

"Look what I got!" I held up my substitute certificate. "I am now a substitute teacher."
"That's great, hun!" Patrick replied.
"I love you," I said, giving him a peck on the lips.
"I love you too."
"Hey do you want to go on a walk around town?"
"Um, sure I guess."
"Good. Get dressed."

(A/N could that have sucked any more? My stepdad just had to accept a $600 a month pay cut. (He gets paid every two weeks. So $1700 every two weeks. It doesn't seem that bad until I say there's 7 people living in my house.) Now we're really poor. *sighs* when I thought my life couldn't get any worse... ILY. ~Samantha~)

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