False Alarm (Chapter 14)

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(A/N @VampireVengence POPTARTS. ILY. ~Samantha~)

P. S. Aaayyyy this chapter sucks more than a prostitute in a male strip club.

*Patrick's POV*

"Get out," I told my parents.

I can't believe they have the courage to show up here when they know what they've done?

"You are a minor. We still have custody of you and you are coming home with us," my mom said. (What's up with me and their parents wanting them back ~Sam~)

"Um, I'm pretty sure you're the one who told me to leave thank you very much," I sassed.

"Just come home with us, honey," Mom pleaded.

"How about.... NO."

"He doesn't have to if he doesn't want to," Pete stepped in.

"Stay out of this, Wentz," Dad said.

"Excuse me," Pete retorted.

*Pete's POV*

"Stay out of this, Wentz," Patrick's dad said.

"Excuse me?"

"Stay out of it."

"I should have a say in this, he's my boyfriend."

"He's my son and you don't make decisions for him."

"And that makes you think you can?"

"That's it you emo bastard."

He started pacing towards me. I could hear Patrick repeating, "Dad. Dad no. Stop."

He punched me square in the face. I stepped back a bit, and fell to the ground. Then everything went black. (Dramatic much, Pete? Yes no maybe so? Nah. ~Sam~)

*Patrick's POV*

"You just fucking knocked him out!" I yelled, running (more like waddling) to Pete.

"He had it coming," Dad growled. "Come on Patrick, we're leaving."

"How many times do I have to tell you? The answer is no."

My dad grabbed my arm and started dragging me towards the door. Jesus, this man is strong. All of a sudden, Cole came out of freaking nowhere and kicked him in the balls. (Haha with his steel toed boots. ~Sam~)

He soon released his grip on me arm.

After a bit of arguing, they finally left. Finally. Pete was still knocked out on the floor. Great.

"Pete?" I said.

He's not responding.

"Meagan, can you go to the kitchen and get me some iced water?" I asked.

"Um, okay?"

As soon as she came back with the water, I took it from her and poured it on Pete.

"WHAT THE HELL MAN!?" Pete yells, spitting out water.

"It's alive!" Cole threw his hands in the air.

"Okay, what the fuck happened?"

"My dad, that's what happened."

"Why does my face hurt?"

"Patrick's dad punched you in the face," Elisa answered.

"Dick," Pete laughed.

"Let's get back to the party," I said.

It's time for gifts. Elisa got us enough outfits to last a fucking year (jeez that woman is excited), Meagan got us pacifiers and more clothes, and Hillary got us toys and teething rings.

*Pete's POV*

We got really cool stuff from everyone so far. Patrick was opening our present from Cole, when it fell to the ground. He hissed in pain, putting his hands on his stomach.


"Yeah, I'm just fine--" he gave an almost blood curdling scream.

"I'm taking you to the hospital now," I panicked. (At The Disco ~Sam~)

"I'm fine, Pete."

"You are going to the hospital now. Cole, help me carry him to the car."

"I don't need to-- woah."

After me and Cole got him in the car, I quickly drove off.

"Pete, I'm fine. Turn the car around now," Patrick said, until he corrected himself, "Never mind."

"That's what I thought," I nodded once out of confidence.

He hummed in agreement. Once we got to the hospital, he was rushed into a room.

*Patrick's POV*

"So Patrick," Doctor Edwards said.

"Yes?" I replied.

"You are indeed not in labor. Uh..."


"Cassidy was most likely stretching out in your uterus. But, you are dilating. It is completely normal for how far along you are."

Pete and I breathed a sigh of relief that I wasn't having Cassidy this early. After I was discharged, we headed back home.

"That was weird," I said.

"You're telling me," Hillary replied.

We went back to opening our present from Cole; he got us a car seat. Which was the one thing we forgot. Cole, you're a life saver. Joe and Andy just helped us out with the crib and bassinet.

Over all, today was a good day. Besides the little false alarm, it was pretty nice.

"Alright, everyone is gone," Pete sighed after Elisa walked out the door.

Well, sort of. Amber is staying here until her flight back to Ohio leaves Monday. Right now, it's midnight, and she's out cold on the couch.

"Pete, I'm tired, let's go to bed," I yawned.


We snuggled up on the small full sized bed (which I take up most of the room on but Pete doesn't seem to mind). He cuddled me, putting his hands on my belly.

"Your hands are cold," I chuckled.

He lifts up my shirt and says, "how about now?"

"Yes!" I squealed.

"Deal with it," he joked, kissing me on the cheek.

"I love you," I whispered.

"I love you too."

(A/N this does really suck. I think is does, but I'm going to continue because I love you crazy ass bitches. And heh Dr Edwards is my neurologist. ILY ~Samantha~)

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