I'm Going To Be A Teacher, Damnit! (Chapter 15)

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(A/N Okay this story is going from cute to downright hilarious. Alright alright like wtf. The title of this chapter is a quote from my sister. ILY. ~Samantha~)

*Pete's POV*

To support Patrick, the baby, and Joe and Andy a bit, I've been doing these random ass jobs. For example walking dogs, cutting grass, and even babysitting. I love taking care of kids, I need to get used to it. You know what, I'm going to be a teacher, damnit! I've already graduated, so I start classes when the new semester starts.

"Hey, Patrick," I called.

"Whatever it is, you can come to me," he yelled back.

I gave a breathy laugh and made my way into our bedroom.

"I thought of a career I can do," I smiled.

"What is it, babe?"

"I think I could be a teacher."

He started laughing.

"You? A teacher? Good one, Pete."

"I'm serious Patrick. I can go back to school, and get a temporary job while I'm there."

"Okay then. How are we going to afford the classes?"

"That's where the temporary job comes in to play. I can be aa substitute for practice."

"I'll believe it when I see it."

"You have no faith in me whatsoever, do you?"

"Nope. None at all."

I feel so loved.

"Fuck you," I joked.

"Yeah, and look where that left me," he chuckled slightly.

"Hey, I love you."

"I love you too."

I leaned in and connected my lips with his.


"Oh my god you were serious," Patrick said, his jaw dropping.

"Yeah, I was being serious."

*Patrick's POV*

He's serious. He's going to be a substitute teacher. He's. Not. Joking.

"I'm going to a two day workshop next week, so I can officially be a substitute," Pete smirked.

"I can't believe you were serious," I said.

"And you told me you have no faith in me."

"I still don't," I chuckled.

"Watch me go motherfucker."

He may be an idiot, but he's my idiot. Where in the hell did he get the idea for a teacher anyways? Some things about him just baffle me. He's going to be a teacher! Of all things, why a teacher? Pete, what the hell are you doing with your life?

"Pete," I said softlly.

"Yes, my love?" He replied.

"How the hell did you get the idea to be a teacher?"

"It just came to me."

"How does that idea just come to you?"

"I dont know, it just does."

I sighed, smiled, and shook my head.

"Can we cuddle?" I asked.

"Only becaus you're so adorable."

He sat me down on the couch and I snuggled into his side. He caressed my hair, making me eventually fall asleep.

"Patrick," I heard. "PATRICK!"

"What?" I whined.

"Come on, get up!" The voice said.

I opened my eyes to see Joe.

"Why?" I pouted.

"Dinner's ready," he replied.

"Where's Pete?" I asked.

"He's in the kitchen."

"Why didn't he wake me up?'

"He cooked it. For you."

"Help me up please."

Joe pulled me off the couch and led me to the kitchen. It was to my surprise when I saw the perfectly set table with a white table cloth.

"Pete, how'd you have time to do this?" I asked gratefully.

"I had a little help," he replied.

"This is amazing," I smiled.

"You're amazing," he said, kissing me.

I melted into it, snaking my arms around his neck.

I eventually broke it off saying, "Can we eat now? I'm hungry."

"Sure thing."

He made spaghetti. It's so classic in romance films, I guess he joined the bandwagon.

"This is really good," I complimented, my mouth full of pasta.

"Don't talk with your mouth full," he hushed me.

We continued to eat, talking about his stupid teacher plans and how fantastic the food is.


Okay that was poorly written, but on the other hand, I'm sick and bored so I'm like I'll pay these fuckers a visit. ILY. ~Samantha~)

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