That Nosy Bitch (Chapter 7)

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(A/N GUYS TOMORROW I HAVE STATE STANDARDS TEST. (Palmetto Assessment of State Standards or 'PASS') tomorrow is writing Wednesday is multiple choice writing the rest are in May. Guys I got 15/15 for Voice, Content/Development, Conventions, and Organization last year so let's hope I do good this year. WOOH. ILY. ~Samantha~)

*Pete's POV*

Patrick and I are in a doctor's office to get an ultrasound. Two guys in a women's specialist office. We're getting weird looks from everyone, but guess who cares? We get called into the ultrasound room, finally.

"Hi my name is Ella, I'm your technician today. Who's the lucky boy?"

Patrick raised his hand shyly. Ella motioned him to sit down on the table bed thing (what the fuck is it even called. ~Sam~).

"Now I'm going to put this gel on your stomach, and it's going to be a little cold," she told him. "Aaaannnddd there's your baby."

She pointed at the screen. Patrick and I made an 'aw' sound and Ella chuckled.

"Let's find the heartbeat."

Patrick and I smiled proudly. That is our baby. Ours.

After we left, we went to the store to get prenatal vitamins.

"Which one should we get?" Patrick asked.

"Just take this one," I replied, grabbing a bottle off the shelf.

We had one of those nosy cashiers who comments on all your groceries. She asked things like 'who's the lucky lady' and shit like that. Neither me or Patrick felt like explaining it, so we said it was for 'our' mom.

"That nosy bitch," I whispered to Patrick as we walked out of the store.

"I can't believe this is happening," he said.

"Me neither, but hey, shit happens in life."

"Yeah, well I have two."

Once we got back to the house, Patrick went straight to my, I guess now our room and plopped down face first onto my bed.

"Can you take of my shoes?" He asked.

I chuckled, "Okay."

*7 Weeks Later*

Patrick is now eleven weeks pregnant and almost out his first trimester. He's got a very small baby bump, it's hardly noticeable unless you really stare at it. But it's so cute I can't wait for it to get bigger.

"Hey, Pete," he called.


"We should think of names."


Patrick gets girl names I get boy names.

"I like Cassidy Nicole, or Jennifer Anne," he said.

"I like Jayden Gabriel or William Lee," I dragged out the 'ee' in 'Lee.'

We talked for a bit and decided on either Cassidy Nicole or Jayden Gabriel. All of a sudden, his eyes bugged out.

"Pete, I just realized we can start telling people in a week. What will your mom say?"

"Oh, she'll kill me. We can go to my friend's house until she cools down."

"Oh, well, let's hope we'll be alright."

"We will, promise."

"Alright, we should go to bed now."

"Okay, goodnight."

"Night 'Trick."

I cuddled up behind him with my hands on his belly and my face hid in the crook of of his neck.

He giggled and said, "I love you."

"I love you too."

The next week went by with a blur. Today's the day we break the news to my mom. I look over to Patrick, he's shaking more than a chihuahua.

"Shh it's okay," I reassured him.

"We're going to be kicked out aren't we."

"Probably, but only for a little while."

We walked downstairs where my mom is watching TV.

"Mom, we have something to tell you," I said.

"Okay," she smiled and sat up.

"Well there's this rare condition where a male is born with both reproductive parts," Patrick started.

I cut him off, "Mom, Patrick's pregnant with my child and he's my boyfriend."

"What," she said through gritted teeth.

I'm on a roll so: "Yup. And remember that whole church thing? That's how it happened. We knocked over a candle."

"Pete, that's enough," Patrick whispered.

My mom was speechless. She told us to get out and not to talk to her. As we walked out she mumbled under her breath. It was something about sin or of that religious crap. In the car, Patrick was crying (yes I have a car but that's not the point).

"Patrick, everything is okay," I said.

"No, it's not. I'm just a freak."

"No you are not a freak and you're carrying the most precious thing on earth-- our baby."

"I'm not normal."

"Abnormality is key. I love you. The both of you."

He gave a sad smile.

"We love you too," he laughed.

We. I like the sound of that. We. Us.

I pulled up to my friend Andy's house. I knocked on the door, and Patrick is shaking like crazy.

"Don't worry, Patrick, Andy's cool."

"Oh, hey Pete!" Andy said, opening the door. "You must be Patrick! Pete's told me a lot about you."

Patrick blushed intensely. So hot.

"By the way, congrats you two."

"You told other people?" Patrick whispered.



"What brings you by here?" Andy asked.

"You know this whole thing," I put one hand on Patrick's stomach. "Yeah my mom got really mad, and can we stay here until she cools down?"


"Joe?" I smirked, raising an eyebrow.

"Uh, yeah, guys, this is my boyfriend, Joe." (Sorry I just had to E'RYBODY GAY ~Sam~)

"Hey," Joe fidgeted awkwardly.

I guess we'll be one big happy family. All four and a half of us. I like that.

(A/N guys I'm sorry this chapter sucked dick but um I just updated yesterday so it's okay for it to suck. ILY. ~Samantha~)

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