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{Third POV}

Kageyama sat with the boys and watched Nishinoya and Tanaka, sing The 12 Days of Christmas.

But, instead of, "My true love gave to me...." they say, "Kiyoko gave to me...."

It kept the party entertaining.

"Hey, where's Padema?" Yachi asks her upperclassman.

Kiyoko shrugs her shoulders and scans the room too.

Padema was held in her room, desperately holding back tears.

It's Christmas. You're not allowed to cry.

She took a deep breath and left her room. Her appearance in the living room wasn't acknowledged by anyone, as she sat next to Tadashi and Tsukki.

The furthest seats from Kageyama.

Yachi, Tadashi and Daichi seemed to have noticed though.

"Padema, you alright?" Tadashi decides to ask.

She realizes her emotions were seeping through and everyone could probably tell. So in return, she plants a fake smile.

"I'm perfectly fine." she says.

No you're not.

No I'm not.


"Why do you have a notification from Osamu, Atsumu, Kuroo, and Oikawa?"

"Let me explain-"

"There's not much you can explain!" Kageyama's voice grew louder. Almost close to a proper shout.

Padema found herself in a tight spot. Regretting her choices, but knowing it's not too wrong.

"Listen, please-"

"Merry Christmas." He interrupts her again, by leaving the room.

She sat on her bed and stared at her phone. Looking at the messages that infiltrated it. All of them from the boys he listed off.

"This looks really bad." she mutters to herself.

{End of Flashback}

As they wrap up the karaoke segment of the sleepover party, the team decides to start the presents.

"It's getting close to midnight, let's start." Daichi announces. "Padema, if you will."

He offers the Santa position to his sister.

She stands up and walks towards the tree, which is close by Kageyama.

"Okay, first present here, is to....Tadashi." she says.

The freckled boy, nervously takes the gift and unwraps it. He finds a shirt that read "Reliable" on it.

"That's from me." Suga reveals.

Tadashi's eyes lights up, as he feels noticed by his upperclassman.

"Wow thanks!" he happily smiles.

"Moving along." Padema picks you the next present, which was poorly wrapped. "For the one and only, Tanaka."

The insane second year, snatched the present out of her hands and opens it, as messy as the wrapping.

His jaw drops, as he sees a beanie with the words "Best Senpai" written on it.

Psh, he would get excited.

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