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We arrived at the gym and immediately went to practice, before the game started.

Normal passing, setting, spiking, receiving and blocking drills. Then a rotation of serves.

All while, I kept getting distracted.

Let's see, last time I had my phone, I was talking with Daichi in the hall.

Did I leave it in the bathroom?

Could it have flown out, while Akari and I were running?

The sound of the referee blowing the whistle, snapped me out of my thoughts.

With that, our game had begone.

Azabu High School was first up to serve. Luckily, it was just a normal one.

"Got it!" Mao shouts and perfectly returns the ball to Chizuri.

"Padema!" Chizuri calls for me and sends the ball, exactly where I get good hits in.

I rush in and slam the ball off the blocker's hands and make it go out. One good point.

Our team cheers me on, as I go back for my serve.

It's been a while since I've landed a good jump serve, so I took it easy and hit a normal one instead.

"Why'd you do that?" Moa asks me, as I step back in.

"Hm?" only half of my attention was given to her, as the other team was setting up for an attack. I couldn't block, since I was in the back row too.

Azabu's wing spiker hit it straight to me and I gave them a shaky receive.

"Sorry, cover." I say loud enough.

Captain bump sets it to Akari and she slams the ball, right down the line their blockers left open.

Our team celebrated another point given to us, but I still felt lost in thought.

Pull yourself together, Padema.



I run to the ball and set it over to Rinko. She hits a feint, perfectly over the blockers.

The ref blew the whistle and that concluded our game.

We actually won.

"Good job gu-"

"WOO-HOO!" I watched the entire team tackle Captain into a hug, before she could even get her words out.

A small smile appeared on my face. As I felt satisfied we won and was allowed to finally gain a victory.

The game flew by fast too.

We bid our farewells to the team and was rewarded with an invite to come play again. Since they're out of the prelims too.

Our team started boarding the bus and I look out the window. As given a window seat, shared with nobody.

The sky was just as bright as we left.

Just, as....bright-

"Captain!" I stand from my seat and sprint to the front.

"Sawamura, please sit back down!" our teacher tells us while driving.

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