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{Third POV}

It felt like a long weekend for the two.

All Saturday, Padema worked on her project, which was now a solo assignment. She's also been online shopping for presents.

Sadly, she still didn't know what to get anyone for Christmas. Which only made her weekend worse.

Kageyama didn't know what to do, at all.

He truly, just sat and stared at his phone, hoping she would text him.

Although, this Sunday morning the two felt a bit more desperate.


(••• = location/scene change....? you'll understand)

"Padema, where are you going?" Daichi caught her, getting ready.

"For a walk." she replies.

Daichi decided not to investigate further more, and let his sister be. "Just stay safe."

"Just stay safe." Yeah okay, I will look ahead in the future and avoid all unsafe people.

Padema tried to lighten herself up. Throwing her real thoughts, under an imaginary rug.

Okay, whatever. Let's just get this over with.


Kageyama got completely impatient.

When will she text? When will she call? When will we talk? When will we make up?

His pacing around the room, made him grow even more angry.

He felt like he was having a nervous breakdown. Possibly, losing himself. Losing his mind.

In other words...

Tobio Kageyama was lovesick.

"I'm going out! Be back soon!" he shouts through his house and breaks through the front door.

One thought on his mind.


The walk to school was quite peaceful for Padema. Except for the keys jangling in her pocket.

Tch, so annoying.

She walked up to the second level of the club rooms and took the Boy's Club Room key out.

Daichi needs to realize how easy it is to steal from him.

Padema entered the room and looked around a bit. Since last time she was in here....


Kageyama was sprinting as fast as he could, to the cafe Padema loves. Hoping she would be there today.

Please be there.


Padema finally looked at what she brought with her the whole time. Her main purpose of even coming here.

Kageyama's sweatshirt.

She folded it up and placed it in his little cubby.

Hm, maybe he'll come today. Psh, don't get your hopes up Padema. What he said obviously means he no longer has feelings.

The young woman was still in thought and continued to stare at his sweatshirt.

She kissed her hand then placed it on the clothing.

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