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"Padema, wake them up again." Coach tells me.

A few of the boys were passed out on the table, as Kiyoko and I were trying to help serve the food.

I poke all the sleeping ones with a chopstick and sure enough, they all shot up one by one.

The restaurant we ate at, Izakaya Osuwari was already closed so we got the place all to ourselves.

"Ukai! I'm...I'm sho happwy!" Takeda shouts for the 100th time today.

His face was red and a mess.

"Here." I set down the first year's dishes in front of us and take a seat next to Kageyama.

He could hardly keep his head up, but every time it dropped, it went back up.

It was too cute.

"You're not eating?" he mumbles a question.

I shake my head no and take a small sip of water.

"Here Padema, we can share mine! Have som-"

"I hear the noodles here are fantastic." Kageyama cuts Hinata off and shoves some of his food into my mouth. "That's right, eat up."

"K-Ka-Kageyamzbakxb." I could hardly talk with that chopsticks in my mouth.

He continuously stared at Hinata too, as if he did something wrong.

{Kageyama's POV}

Don't ever offer her your food Hinata.


{Padema's POV}

The boys decided to hangout a tad more at Sakanoshita Store after they finished changing.

"Goodnight Padema."


I wave at Kiyoko and Yachi, who was walking to the bus stop already. Leaving me with the boys.

"See you tomorrow, Padema." Tadashi calls out as him and Tsuki leave early as well.

"Bye." I quietly say.

As I make my way to the store alone, someone suddenly grabs my hand and turns me around.

This is how I get kidnapped isn't it?

"H-Hey." a voice I easily recognized, spoke.

Thank the Lord, it was Kageyama.

"S-So, I was wondering, about our...um, d-date." he was a stuttering mess.

Seeing him like this made me feel a lot more comfortable with talking about this.

"Are you free this weekend?" I ask him.

A tint of pink appeared on his cheeks, causing me to heat up a bit.

"Um...yeah! Yeah, this weekend. That works." he starts to calm down and becomes less tense.



It awkwardly became silent, then we both noticed he still was holding my wrist.

"I- ah, sorry." he takes his hand back and rubs the back of his neck.


"Kageyamaaa!" Hinata's voice comes trailing from the club room.

His figure was sprinting down the path and makes his way towards us. He didn't even have a jacket on.

"Hurry up Kageyama! Padema, could you toss us a few?" he begins to beg me.

ωαямтн//Haikyuu!!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin