New beginnings 1.1

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For new readers, you may find my chapter posting style weird

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For new readers, you may find my chapter posting style weird. I post in sub-chapters so I'm able to keep posting regularly because each chapter differs in length. As of right now(12.11 posted), my shortest chapter is 600 words while my longest is 9000.

Placing the last box in the front room Minho let's out a deep breath. Moving house is never easy, especially when you've moved half way across the country, and alone. He never expected to move so far, but Minho needed a change of scenery- somewhere no one can find him, somewhere that won't remind him of the past three years. Memories to be left in the past, in past places.

Looking up from the boxes piled around him, Minho can finally look around his new home. He won't deny its a bit old and run down looking, but being in a small village in the middle of nowhere is perfect for him. Doing up this shabby little house, making it his home is the kind of project he needs to keep him mind busy. It's perfect.

"Right!" Minho breaths, taking his first steps further into his new home.

In all honesty, Minho never actually saw what this place looked like before buying it. All he knew when buying it, was that; it's far away, the area is quiet, and the rent is really cheep.

From the front door, the hallway leads straight on to the kitchen, a living room to the left and a staircase to the right, plus a basement under the stairs. Upstairs there is one bedroom and one bathroom. It's a very small house, meant for one person, enough space for Minho and Minho alone. None of his family will come visit him this far out. The train is an hours drive away and the bus only comes twice a day.

Turning the kitchen sinks tap on, the pipes in the walls start to shake and screech until a brown like liquid comes flowing out. Minho looks at the strange liquid with a disgusted face. Seems like there is a more worked needed then he originally thought. Getting the water fixed is definitely going to be his number one priority. Luckily, he still has some spare water bottles in his bag from the trip here. Next he checks the fridge and immediately almost throws up the second the door opens. Breathing through the sleeve of his hoodie as a mask, Minho finds some kind of food that has been left to rot so much its unidentifiable. Without a second thought, Minho slams the door shut and walks out the kitchen, all the way back outside.


Taking deep breaths of fresh air, Minho looks up at the sky. It was an eleven hour journey out here, the sun is getting close to setting and Minho has only just arrived. The electricity doesn't get connect till tomorrow morning, and he was told some old local guy would come over and fix it for him. However, that leave  Minho with no water or electricity for the whole night. If it wasn't the beginning of spring, Minho would've worried more. The weather may be starting to get warmer, but that doesn't mean an old house with no way to heat will be warm. Going back inside, Minho picks up one of the boxes labelled 'bedroom' and carries it up the stairs, the steps creaking with each movement as he makes his way up.

Opening the door to his right, Minho walks into his bedroom. Well, its more of an empty attic room. The ceiling is lower than expected at about and inch above his head. Making his way to the far side of the room, by the circular window, he places the box down. Repeating the trip two more times, all the boxes for his bedroom have been brought and are ready to unpack. Taking the first box, Minho unrolls his futon cushion ready to sleep on. It may not be thick, but at least it's better than the wooden floors. Having his bed set up first, he goes to unpack the rest, however, the sun seems to have other plans. Sun rays glowing orange on the white walls mesmerise Minho. Minho doesn't know what it is, yet a peaceful feeling has come to him. Resting his head on the pillow, Minho closes his eyes. He's ready to move on and start a new life.

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