Peace 21.4

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"What is up there?" Minho asks Hyunjin who now stands at the top of the stairs

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"What is up there?" Minho asks Hyunjin who now stands at the top of the stairs.

Hyunjin stepped aside as Minho made his way up, footsteps brushing up dust. "I need you to see for yourself."

Minho's hand began to shake as he reached for the bedroom door. He had an idea of what he was about to see, but it didn't make sense.

Changbin put a hand on Minho's shoulder, "We are here for you."

Taking a deep breath, Minho pushed the door open and froze. Changbin's hand slipped from his shoulder.

The boxes were still all there the way Minho had originally put them. His futon rolled out in front of the window, and him. His body was still and silent. Minho's heart raced as he stepped closer, he could see it all clearly. His peaceful body, the way his face no longer held pain, the half-drank bottle of water, and the empty box of painkillers.

"This... this is why you needed me." Minho's voice had gone quiet as he stood over himself. He wanted to reach down but feared how cold he would feel.

"It is. For you were able to see things those could not." Hyunjin gestured to those who stood behind him. "I can still stand by my promise, though I fear it will bring you the same fate as Jisung."

"So," more tears fell from Minho's face, "what now?"

Hyunjin reached out his hand, the portal again opening behind him. The round window that once looked out to the beautiful night sky now led Minho to become a star. "It is your time."

"What about Changbin? Seungmin and Jeongin, too?" The whole time Minho had known them, he'd been dead. Yet, no one knew—not even him. He lived a life in a village as a ghost.

"They will forget. All their time with you will be erased. Their memories will be replaced so that none of this happened. They will also forget about Jisung and Felix."

"What? No!" Jeongin stepped from beside Seungmin. "You can't just do that to us. We cared for our friends. None of everything that happened would have happened if it wasn't for us."

Hyunjin raised a hand and Jeongin fell silent. "It is not my decision you are fighting. I am merely the messenger." The reaper brushed his hand across Minho's cheek. "You are at peace and you don't need to be at peace alone. You can be with him."

Minho's lips quivered at the thought. When he saw Chan with the boys, he had to hold back his body from running to him. Now, he had the opportunity.

"Come, for it is now your time."

Minho closed his eyes and let the white light flood through his eyelids. He could feel him. He could feel Chan pull him in and a smile returned to Minho's face. There was no weight to his body, no thoughts in his mind. He didn't want to say goodbye to the friends he'd made, however, fate had a strange way of working. He didn't need to forget Chan for he could be with him, forever.

The house fell silent. It was empty. The moonlight shone into the bedroom as it did every night. The moon was full with the stars twinkling all around it. Accept there were three more stars in the sky that night.

So this is peace.

The End

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