When Worlds Collide 11.3

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Feet that walk silently move from one side of the basement to the other

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Feet that walk silently move from one side of the basement to the other. Each stride fast as the individual's mind runs faster. Thoughts appearing before they can be processed.

Who was that?
Was that the human?
It can't be?
It can't be!
Maybe i'm paranoid.
Something definitely isn't right.
I've watched them smoke multiple times.
They'd never forget them.
It's impossible.
It's implausible.
He wouldn't forget them.
He can't forget them.
The door closed and they didn't return.
They would've come back for them.
Multiple cigarettes a day.
That's how often they smoke.
Then who was it?
If it wasn't them it'd have to be someone.
But who is someone.
Is it safe for me?
Do i need to leave?
I can't leave though.
Im stuck.
What if they hurt me.
I need to remember and leave.

"Boy!" a voice yells and the boy stops mid step, his right foot hanging in the air.

"I-" The ghost turns around, making direct eye contact with the other. A clear expression of worry and fear on his face. Hands trembling as they clutch together across his stomach. "Hyunjin." He cries, almost running over to the dark hooded cloaked figure.

The other stumbles back a step as they're collided into. "What's going on?" Their voice cold and hollow as they speak.

The ghost's eyes start to gloss as he stares up at the reaper. "-Don't know. I don't know. Somethings wrong, very wrong. He... he isn't himself. It feels off-"

"Calm down." Hyunjin places a hand on each of the ghost's shoulders, hoping they'll calm down and talk in a slower, more coherent pace.

The ghost breaks out into a full on cry and collapses into hyunjin, sobbing loudly into his torso. He thought he found his escape, someone who could help him remember. But that someone has been taken away.

They've abandoned me.
I'm going to be alone again...

"I think I know what's happened." Hyunjin rubs his hand on the ghost's back.

"You... you do?" The ghost asks through sobs, sniffling as hyunjin touch soothes his mind.

Hyunjin nods his head. "The human is still the human-"

"What!" The ghost clutches at the reapers clothes. "That's not possible. I saw him this morning." Desperation in his voice as the tears continue to fall from his cheeks.

His worried about the human but also about his future, and if he'll ever get to be free.

"It's only a temporary possession... and I think I know who's behind it." Though the reapers expression looks serious, his brows are furrowed as he stares off into the empty space behind the ghost.

The ghost in the reapers arms looks to see what the reaper is staring at, but there is nothing. He doesn't know if he should be relaxed that he can't see anything or worried that there is something he can't see.

"Boy," Hyunjin's grip tightens around the ghosts smaller figure. "I want you to go upstairs and stay out of the basement for a while. Okay?"

"Wha—" Before the ghost could question his body is thrown in the living room. Trying to go back to the basement, his body doesn't move—it's like there is a barrier stopping him.

"Hyunjin!" The ghost screams as he slams his fists against the floor. "Hyunjin please. I'm scared." Tears start to well in the corners of his eyes.

The ghost knows something is wrong. The house doesn't feel right. The walls seem like they're closing in around him, suffocating him. He wants to know what's going on

"Let me in." He let's out in a wail. If he was human, the ghost fists would currently be in pain from the wooden floor splintering and piercing his skin. It's another reminder that he's no longer human. No longer alive. "Please." The ghost sighs giving in as he sits and lets the tears roll off his cheeks.

Hey 👋
This is the first brand new chapter and I know I'd been reposting the edited chapters daily, but the next chapters will be more every 2/3 days.
Thank you for reading.😚

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