Man In The Photo 6

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In the basement of a house by the forest, a little ghost lives

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In the basement of a house by the forest, a little ghost lives. Well he's more trapped, if he tries to leave the house it like he gets struck by an invisible wall that won't let him past. He's seen many come and go yet, he can only stay. With the new tenant having moved in the boy is back to his ways of hiding, just like he has with all the previous—  living quietly in the basement.

At least his friend Felix comes to visit every now and then. The boy doesn't know much about Felix other than they knew each other when living and that he's the only thing stoping the boy going mad from loneliness.

It's strange how all it takes is one person to stop someone from feeling alone. Sometimes no matter how many people surround them, that person can still feel lonely. However, for the ghost boy, all it takes is Felix. Felix is his little star and he's the moon, something close yet so far from the human world. Though right now the ghost boy doesn't feel so alone. The tenant has been enter the basement— the ghosts little hidden world— with numerous boxed. They are currently squatting down on the floor with their head buried in an item of clothing. Unsure what to do the ghost boy slowly steps out from under the stairs. It's safest under the stairs because that's where there is less light. He's less likely to be seen. Entering the light, he takes another step towards the male. Now able to tell that they are crying, that they're sad. The ghost boy remembers whenever he would feel sad Felix would hug him. The feeling of been held helped him feel better. Even though he can't feel the warmth, he was happy to be not alone.

Without realising, he is already sitting behind the male with arms embracing them, squeezing gently to give the feeling that they're safe. The boy stays there not knowing whether he should let go or keep ahold.


Chan? Who is Chan?
Am I Chan?

The boy lets go of the male. He's starting to question things. Does the person in front know him? What is his name? How did he know the other?

All comes to stop when he stands up and sees a picture frame with two happy, smiling faces. Recognising one of them to be the new tenant although the other seems to old to be himself. The ghost can't see his own reflexion, but from what Felix has told him, he knows that he doesn't have Blonde hair— in fact it's a pretty brown like the barks of trees.

That's when he realises who the other is. A few days or so ago when the pipes suddenly started shaking and roaring, terrifying the poor boy, he ran up the stairs and into the main hallway. It was when he stood at the door to the basement he could hear two people talking in the kitchen. Over hearing the conversation about a past lover who was left behind.

The man who is in the photo.

Slumping back down by the new tenant, the ghost boys sits there more depressed then he was before. He's now questioning who he is and what it's like to love. To be loved.

Why did the tenant move away from the person they loved? If he loved them wouldn't he want to be with them?

Not knowing anything from his past, the ghost doesn't know if he ever got to love someone. Love someone more then as a friend. Felix is his friend... could they love each other. Could they have been lovers before?

The boys scoffs at himself for his silly and stupid thought. He shouldn't be getting himself involved with such thoughts, they're the things that make him sad.

When is Felix going to visit again?

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