Resetting The Mind 7

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Sat on the concrete basement floor, Minho's breathing comes to a steady pace as his mind clears

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Sat on the concrete basement floor, Minho's breathing comes to a steady pace as his mind clears. The world no longer spinning while it comes into focus. Minho lets out a deep breath as with his hands pressed down on his thighs, steading himself as he stands. The hoodie still in his grasps with an reluctant feeling to let go. "Persistent twat!" He laughs while pulling the hoodie over his head. Flattening down the fabric against his chest all while knowing he shouldn't be doing it. Grieving is different for everyone. Minho can take a few more days if he wants. He doesn't have to forget immediately. It's not like he moved across the country to do so. Only a few minutes have gone by, but for Minho it feels like hours. Without a second glance at boxes, he walks back up the old creaky wooden stairs. The door left open as he leaves the basement.

As if in a trance, Minho's mind comes back to reality when the taste of something fulfilling, slightly sour, rich and earthy enters him. It fills his lungs then disappears without a trace as he exhales. Minho stands, looking up at the sky, watching the clouds drift by slowly. The wind isn't strong but it's evident there will be rain soon. Today or tomorrow he doesn't know when , but soon.

Sucking on his cigarette, Minho then lets the smoke to rise from his lungs— blending in with the clouds above and their array of greys on the blue background. "I'm sorry." Minho mumbles as he takes the last drag, before dropping it to the floor and squishing it out under his foot.

Upon re-entering the house, Minho heads straight to the kitchen in need of a proper meal. All he's eaten to day is a protein bar and drank some juice. Nutrition is import to live. Minho takes a pan, filling it with water from the tap before placing it on the stove to boil. Stirring in a tablespoon of ketchup and sriracha sauce to the water. As he waits, he takes a packet on instant noodles from a cupboard. This meal is nothing special, just something to tie him over till dinner. With the water boiling, the packet of noodles gets dropped in. Waiting again, Minho grabs a bowl and a pair of chopsticks. It doesn't take long for the noodles to cook. With a tea towel wrapped around the pans handle, the soft noodles and red sauce are tipped into the bowl. Ripping of the flavour sachet, the noddles are given a stir to fully coat. A quick meal made and ready to eat. Minho sits at the dinning table in the living room as he eats, scrolling through his phone to pass the time. He can see all his friends having fun at parties and the messages they've left. With a wavering thumb over the inbox icon, Minho contemplates whether he should give just a small and simple message.

"I'm fine, don't worry." Nope, too suspicious.

"I'm taking some time away." Sounds like I'm going back. Wrong.

Unable to think of what would be the right words to say, Minho decides to say nothing. Not even opening the messages incase anything changes his mind. Instead, he changes over to watch cat videos as he finishes the noodles.

The hot water burbles as it fills the plastic bucket, bubbles frothing from the dish soap. When Minho was young, his mother taught him to wash up straight away before the food dries. Though with instant noodles it's a rather quick scrub and rinse, then placed on the drying rack. Looking down at the frothy water, Minho remembers the red wall in the basement. It has probably been cleaned before, but what's wrong with giving it another go.

Minho walks down to the basement with a fresh bucket of hot water, a dash of bleach and detergent added. Making sure to pull the hoodie sleeves up so they don't get damaged. First giving the bristle brush a quick rinse in the water, Minho steps forward to start is attempt.

"Wait! NO!"

Minho freezes at the sudden cry.

Water dripping on to the floor being the only breaking the silence between the two stood in the basement.

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