The First Day 9.2

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"So you're Lee Minho Hyung?" A curious male stands next to Minho as he stacks tins on a shelf

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"So you're Lee Minho Hyung?" A curious male stands next to Minho as he stacks tins on a shelf.

"...Yes." Minho replies, wary of what the male means. He glances down at the badged to his chest then back at the male, thinking for a second that his name was spelt wrong, or he was given to wrong badge.

So far Minho's first shift has been going good. After Changbin left, he went straight to the office to finish off some forms, and receive a name badge. Obviously, as it's Minho's first day, he doesn't have to deal with tills and customers. Unless a customer comes up to him to ask where something is, though that isn't very likely with it just being a village shop.

The male stood beside Minho, nods slightly as they hum. "Did Changbin Hyung recommend you this job?" He leans against the shelves to get a closer look at the new employee.

"...Yes." Minho answers in the same cautious tone and mannerism, not taken his eyes off the tins. He can feel the younger burning holes on the side of his face with each word they say.

The male leans on closer, close enough for Minho to clearly hear their breathing. "So you are the one that lives in that house?"

"...Yes." Minho now understands what's going on here. The people in the village mustn't like him because he's a city boy who has moved into the haunted house.

Minho no longer questions whether that house is haunted or not, he knows it is... but he can't move. Moving house requires the kind of money Minho doesn't have enough of. Also, moving means packing up all his stuff, stuff that isn't just his. Instead, Minho has decided to stay in that house and live with whatever, whoever is living there too. Maybe he doesn't have to worry about feeling alone all the time again.

The male tsks and role their eyes as the straighten onto two feet again. "When are you leaving then?"

Minho finally turns to face the other male, "I don't plan on moving, and I know what you're talking about, but that doesn't change a thing." He cuts off the male before they say anything else. "Now I have work to do and so should you." Minho grabs the empty trolly and pushes it away. Getting around the corner of the aisle, Minho let's out a deep sigh. He never thought talking to other people would be this difficult. When he chats with Changbin there is a calm feeling. Though Changbin's brother is the polar opposite, most likely because they aren't blood related. Minho can't help but keep himself on the defence.

One of the wheels is wonky on the trolly— the front right to be precise. Every now and then as Minho pushes the trolly along, the trolly would be pull to the right and almost crashes into the aisle. Near the door there is a table, a beautiful tower constructed of chocolate Easter eggs stands. not once but twice, Minho has almost sent the tower down to the floor. Broken chocolate eggs would not be good for a first day.

As the day goes on it gets simpler and smoother. Minho has had plenty of part time jobs before, though a  grocery store is a new. Overall, Minho enjoys the repetition of staking shelves, something he feels he doesn't have in his life.
Thankfully, now that Minho has moved away from the city. The source of his unhappiness he can enjoy the missing repartition.

After the first encounter, Minho only talked to Changbin's younger brother once more. Minho's lunch break isn't long, thirty minutes, yet it's still a long enough amount of time for him. It's a common thing for Minho to skip out of lunch, regardless of whether is was intention of not. Enjoying a repetitious habit, Minho slips out the back doors and enjoys a quick smoke. Something to lighten his mind.

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