The Quest Begins 15.1

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Returning to the house, it was like they never left

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Returning to the house, it was like they never left. Cuddled in the reaper's arms is the same little sad ghost, unaware of everything that's been happening. Minho's the only one who notices the change. The last thing he remembers from before-reliving his memories-is being in the basement, talking with the ghost who he now needs to help move on.

Minho stands in the doorway of the living room, his eyes immediately locking on the two sitting by the window. "Um... hi..." He hates how awkward he sounds but he doesn't truly know what he needs to do. Minho won't deny that he is interested in what happened within the house, yet Changbin's mother's words make him wonder how much of the truth has been covered up, and how difficult it will be to retrieve anything without people getting suspicious. Especially since even Changbin's knowledge is limiter it means Minho's going to have to search for other means.

"It's okay," Hyunjin says, partly to the human but mostly to the boy in his arms.

The ghost boy opens his eyes, looking up from the reaper's chest to the human a few meters away. His grip tightens around the reaper. He knows he doesn't need to be afraid of the human, and that they aren't going to harm him, but he isn't aware of the events that have just happened, and he isn't aware that Minho is back to Minho.

Minho's hesitant to make the next move, he can see that the ghost is unsettled around him-why wouldn't he be when he's already gone through so much in the time he can remember.

The reaper is the one to move first by tapping the ghost on the arms so he can be released. The boy is reluctant at first but does so. Now free, Hyunjin stands up with a hand out to help the boy stand. "Right," He started once everyone is standing, "I think it's time for me to leave."

"What?" The human and ghost shout simultaneously

Hyunjin chuckles to himself, "Everything is fine." He says while ruffling the boy's hair.

"Hold up," Minho takes a step towards the reaper, "You expect me to help find our his past, but I don't even know where to start."

The boy looks between the reaper and the human, his eyes sparkling, he's going to remember who he is and was. "Really?" The corners of his lips turn upwards into a small smile.

Hyunjin smiles back, softly, "Yes, it's just like I told you, Minho is going to help you." Hyunjin turns to the human, "Start at the library. There you will find what you need... and don't be afraid to ask for help-someone there is part of why you're looking for. Now I must really go." Hyunjin's about to leave when he hears the front door open and a pair of feet jog to the living room.

"Hey Minho, you left..." Changbin's face drops when he sees the individuals in front of him.

"Fuck." Hyunjin mutters, under his breath, barely audible to the ghost boy by his side.

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