For You 13.7

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Back in the hallway, Minho kicks the wall as he lets all his frustration out

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Back in the hallway, Minho kicks the wall as he lets all his frustration out. Saying things like "Idiot" and "Stupid" as he goes to punch the wall, he stops mid air when Hyunjin grabs his arm.

"One more. All you need is to complete one more memory, then you can choose if you want to forget." Hyunjin looks down at Minho. He seems pissed about something and Minho hopes it has to do with the other reaper and not him.

"Fine." Minho pulls his arm back to his side.

With no words said, Hyunjin walks to the next door. Confidently he goes to open the door, when a sudden cold breeze causes him to pause. "Get in now. Quickly." He orders even though he's pushing Minho through the doorway.

Chan is sitting on the couch, watching the morning news as he eats his cereal. "Morning." He muffles with his mouth full.

"Err... morning." Minho replies, hesitating as this time he came out from the bedroom door rather than the front door. Minho walks over to Chan. Looking at the news, he sees the date in the bottom right corner. Minho's face instantly drops. Today is the day.

"I'm going to be home late tonight." Chan says.

Minho doesn't say anything. He didn't even hear Chan as he's processing what's about to come.

"Baby?" Chan turns his head away from the TV, almost dropping his bowl when he sees Minho crying. "Baby?" Concerned, Chan puts his bowl down and walks around the couch to Minho. Cupping Minho's cheeks, Chan uses his thumb to wipe the tears. "What's wrong? Are you not feeling well?"

Minho holds Chan's wrist, running his hands up to lace his fingers with Chan's. "Sorry... I don't know what overcame me." Blinking away his tears, Minho lies.

"Is it because of last night? I know you said to forget about it, but if there's anything you want me to do?..." Chan's brows furrow. He's hesitant to drop the topic but when Minho gives him a peck on the lips, he lets it go.

"I think it's because I'm tired and anxious for my exams." Minho tries to smile as he scrunches his eyes. Taking a deep breath, Minho brings himself back to a normal state.

"If you say so." Chan drops his hands, still holding Minho's. "Do you want—" Chan is interrupted by his phone ringing. "One moment." Chan lets go of Minho and goes over to his phone on the coffee table. "Hello." He says as he answers.

Minho remembers this moment. As soon as Chan finishes that call, he'll give Minho a kiss and leave. Running away because of something Minho never got to know. What hurts most is that whatever it was must've been the tipping stone for Chan.

Chan hangs up, not saying much during the call other than an "Okay" as he hung up. Looking at Minho who's smiling at him, Chan walks over and puts a hand to Minho's cheek. "I'm sorry, something urgent has come up otherwise I would offer to walk you to work." Chan pulls Minho in for a kiss before jogging to the front door—not even putting his shoes on properly as he exits.

Sighing, Minho feels his chest tighten. This was the last moment he got to see Chan alive. He wants to chase Chan, find out what happened. However, this is all a memory. Once he steps out that door he will be back in the hallway of memories.


Minho glances back at the bedroom door. Since he came in from the bedroom then maybe he can continue through the front door. Maybe it doesn't have to end here?

Not wasting any more time, Minho runs over to the door and swings it open. Instantly he has to throw an arm up and cover his eyes from the bright blinding light.

"Minho." A voice calls out.

Squinting, Minho's eyes adjust to the sudden brightness. He's now standing in a white abyss—he's not alone—two hooded figures stand before him with their faces hidden.

"It's time." One of them speaks.

"It's time to choose whether to, or not to cross that bridge." The other says as they remove their hood.

Minho doesn't need to see either of their faces to know who they are. His feelings are mixed about the moment. Unsure of what action he will take. Unsure of which reaper he will choose to follow.

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