Empty Coffins 19.1

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"Hyung, I'm sorry

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"Hyung, I'm sorry." Jeongin speaks from the back of Changbin's van. He and Seungmin are sitting on foldable wall seats, holding on tightly as they move with the corners.

"Why did you let him in?" Changbin barks at Seungmin, ignoring Jeongin's pleas. Minho is in the passenger seat watching, waiting till he can ask his own questions.

"He is part of this as much as any of use, if not more." Seungmin is quick to answer. His knuckles have turned white from his grip around the seatbelt. Minho can see that Changbin's speeding and assumes the librarian might be travel.

"I don't care how important it is. He's still a kid—"

"They weren't the only ones killed by his parents! I was a kid then, but I'm not anymore!" Jeongin shouts. His face turning bright red with anger.

Changbin's foot slams on the brakes. Everyone but Changbin screams as their bodies jerk forwards, then a take sharp intake from the seatbelts locking. Changbin's equipment slides across the van's floor and crashes against the back of the front seats.

And then, silence.

With a hand over his heart, Minho looks between the other individuals, making sure they're all safe. "C-Changbin?" In a shaky breath, he watches as Changbin slowly lifts his head from the steering wheel.

"I'm okay." The male replies, combing a hand through his hair. "Are you two in the back okay?"

"Are you fucking sane?" Seungmin snaps.

Everyone's on edge. They all know something that Minho doesn't. They all know why Changbin's stopped in a cemetery carpark.

Jeongin pats Seungmin's shoulder, "Leave it. Let's just get out." Jeongin is already unclipping his seat belt, his chest still rising with heavy breathes. The van's door slams shut as the two exit and start walking towards the entrance of the graveyard.

"Changbin?" Minho says, softly.

Changbin lets out a sigh with his head leaning back. "Sorry. You're probably really confused right now?" He drops his head with low chuckle.

"Yeah." Minho scoffs

Changbin grunts. "Let's give those two some time. Want a smoke?"

Minho finally takes off his seatbelt. Shifting he pulls the box from his back pocket and puts one of the cigarettes between his lips. Minho lights it and passes the lighter over. "So..." He says, exhaling as he rolls down the window.

"So." Changbin copies.

The two sit and think for a moment. Minho thinks of what he could ask or if something feels familiar. Changbin thinks if he can pull up the courage. He won't be talking only about Jeongin, but for Jeongin. He wonders if it's the right thing to do.

"I have a theory." Minho is the first to speak. "I may be wrong. However," He looks over at Changbin. Never before has he looked so deeply into the others eyes. It's obvious now that those eyes have witnessed things no human wishes to see. "When I first met Jeongin, you said he was adopted by your family after his parents died. From what Jeongin said... I think I know what happened to his parents."

Changbin's forearm rests on the open window, flicking the ashes onto the ground. "Yeah, now is probably the time for that story." Changbin adjust in his seat, sitting straight. "Five years ago his parents died in a car accident. The other car was his parents. Somehow they survived and Jeongin's didn't. However, no one was drunk and their was no cameras to explain what happened. All they said was that they got blinded by the car lights and crashed." Changbin takes another drag, his brows furrowing. "If I could go back in time, I'd make sure the were the ones that died. Jeongin's parents were nice, sweet people. His mum also made some of the best cakes for the village festivals."

Minho doesn't reply. He can see the two boys sitting on bench, one with their arms wrapped around the other. He then remembers the picture he stuffed in his pocket when running out the library. "Here." Minho hands it over to Changbin.

Changbin looks down at it, confused at first. "Oh." He gasps. Snatching the picture, he discards his cigarette and looks closer. "Minho." He says, lowing the picture as he waits for the other to look at him. "After I fixed you're boiler, I did some snooping — don't worry I didn't go through any of your things, it was just some stuff in the basement. He came to see me and he showed me something. Something he couldn't touch." Changbin reaches into the driver's door, taking out a small leather bound book with a lock.

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