Leaving The Past In The Past 3.4

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The warm water soothes Minho's tired body

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The warm water soothes Minho's tired body. His head leaning back to wash the shampoo out of his hair. Bubbles flowing down the drain along with his stress. Sighing heavily as his body relaxes underneath the water. Today had been more stressful then it should've been. If only his project members turned up to the meeting, let alone did their side of the work. Instead, Minho sat alone in a cafe cramming to finish the project. There is now two days left on a deadline that was set four weeks ago. Within the whole month they've had to do this no one has done anything. Minho tried being hopeful that someone would turn in something. Once it got to a week left he couldn't leave it any longer. Minho also feels guilty if he just sits there in the cafe, so, every thirty minutes to and hour he would go and buy another coffee. When you've been at the cafe for seven hours your bank account starts to cry for you.

"Honey?" Someone suddenly swings the bathroom door open, smiling once their gaze meets Minho's.

Minho jumps thinking he was home alone. "W-when did you...?" Confused, he can barely form a sentence.

When Minho left in the morning he was told that he'd be home alone till seven at night. It was only about five when he left the cafe, and six when he got home. Just how long has he been in the shower?

"Just now." The other replies, stepping into the bathroom and closing the door behind them. "You okay? You only take showers at night when stressed."

Minho hums back, watching as they begin to undress and join him in the shower. "I've finished the project." Minho states as he starts to wash the others hair.

"Isn't that good?" They question hearing the lack of enthusiasm in Minho's voice.

"I finished it ... alone"

"Well i'm here with you." They take Minho's hands by the wrist and kiss his palms, ignoring the taste of shampoo.

Minho sighs, watching the water overflow from his cupped hands. The way the drops fall larger than they started, banging on the shower floor like a drum.

Since his conversation with Changbin earlier, Minho's mind keeps going back to the one he wants to forget. Every small and simple things he does brings back a memory. Just like how now Minho Remembers the time he was comforted in the shower after a stressful day. It's happened on multiple occasions. Minho would be in the shower and sooner or later they would come along.

The two had a connection that minho thought was inseparable, they could tell when the other was sad even when nothing was said. That's what Minho thought. However, in reality he was wrong, Minho wasn't able to tell when his lover needed him most.

Turning off the shower, Minho wraps a towel around his waist, leaving his wet hair to drip on the tile floor. "...You." Minho says unsure If he's talking to himself or the one he wishes to no longer mourn for.

Leaning over the sink to look deeper into the mirror, his knuckles whitening from the tightening grip around the sink. It feels wrong to look at himself. Something is missing.

Someo- the bathroom door suddenly swings open and a gust of air blows Minho's hair back.

First fixing the towel around his waist, before stepping out to look down the hallway. "Hello?" Minho asks knowing he's definitely alone, but this strange feeling has been in his stomach since he arrived. "You're a fucking idiot." Minho says to himself as he walks back into the bathroom. "You really expected a reply? It's an old house of course you're gonna get the odd wind blow."

Minho never thought he'd have to get used to living alone so soon.

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