Everything Is Normal 17.3

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"Thanks." Changbin says as Minho passes over his lighter.

It's become a habit for the two to have a smoke when Minho jumps into Changbin's van. Even though yesterday Minho said he was going to quit smoking. He is, just by slowly cutting down, not suddenly cutting it off. And this one cigarette he has in the morning is what helps to calm his mind for the day ahead. Plus, he doesn't want to leave Changbin feeling guilty for smoking in front of someone quitting.

Minho hums. "I'm going back to the library after work."

Changbin side-eyes as he flicks the ash out the window, "I thought you said you couldn't find anything?"

"There has to be something." Minho's forearm rests on the open window, his hand out feeling the breeze, specks of glowing ash being blown away. "Something has to be there. Maybe I can talk to that person... um—" Waving his free hand, he pretends to have forgotten the person he has already very much met.

"Seungmin." Changbin corrects.

"Yes, him. That's if he doesn't refuse to talk to me." After last night, Minho wonders if Seungmin would still want to talk when he could potentially be thrown around into bookcases again. Hopefully, Seungmin doesn't hold any hard feelings and will continue to help.

However, there is one thing that worries Minho about going back into the archive: Hyunjin. If he is really always watching and was the one laughing, then that means Minho might suffer the same fate of the reporter if he dwells too deep. But there has to reason for it repeating, and if Hyunjin's behind it, why is he doing it? For fun? Shits and giggles? Or, is there something darker?

"Do you want me to come with you? Seungmin might be more open to talk if I'm there. He's Jeongin's best friend so we close...ish." Changbin adds, thinking he could be of aid even if the other villagers get suspicious.

Minho takes his time breathing in the tobacco smoke, playing it off as him thinking when he's already knows his answer. "If I don't find anything today, then yes. But for today, I want to try on my own because if I check our a generic fiction book after going two days in a row it might look normal. If you come in with me, especially since I'm sure everyone knows we spend quite a bit of time together, they might think that I'm looking for something. Something that's to do with the house."

"Fair enough," Changbin shrugs, "I see where you're coming from." The two slip in to silence, finishing their cigarettes as their thoughts occupy their minds.

As Minho's extinguishing the end of his cigarette, Changbin asks him a question, "I know this might be rude when your trying to move on, but can I ask more about the person you, um... lost?"

"You can ask. I won't promise I'll answer all questions." Minho finally replies, not expecting what is to come next.

Changbin takes a deep breath, the lump in his throat bobbing. "They were male, weren't they?"

Minho froze. He knows Changbin isn't a bad person, yet having his secret found out like this puts him on edge. "What makes you think that?" He replies, trying to keep composure and make it sound more like he's laughing at a joke. Though Changbin's face stays stern and Minho starts to panic.

"Minho," Changbin says, sternly, "You moved here after a break up. If it was a girl you would've likely gone to your parents, but you didn't... you couldn't, could you?" Minho is speechless as he listens. "Your parents know what your relationship with them-no him. Your parents know what your relationship with him was, and they don't accept it. So you left, you sought after solitude and safety. Your scared of loving again. You talk about fate, but do you realises the person your fate is crossing with is someone who was also in love with people of the same gender?"

"I—" Minho is dumbfounded. The corner of his lip twitches, he's not angry just finds something funny, ironic even about how him — someone how has lost a lover — is trying to figure about someone who lost their life over love. Lost their mind.

"You don't have to answer. I already know it." Changbin lets Minho sit and stare out off the window, not needing to utter a word.

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