e pluribus unum

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Dustin, Steve and I all look at each other in shock. "The gate," we gasp. "I don't understand. You've seen this before?" Robin asks. "Not exactly," Steve replies. "Then what, exactly?" Robin quizzes. "All you need to know is it's bad," Dustin pants. "It's really bad," I add. "Like, end-of-the-human-race-as-we-know-it kind of bad," Dustin continues. "And you know about this how?" Robin asks. "Um, Steve, where's your Russian friend?" Erica asks. We all look down to see the Russian missing, and then, the alarm went off. "Shit," Steve gasps as he runs to peek outside. Steve quickly shuts the door. "Go, go, go, go, go!" Steve shouts. We all run out of the room and into another room that just so happened to be full of Russians. They all turn around to face us. "Go! Shit! Shit, shit, shit! Go, go, go!" Steve shouts as we continue to run. Dustin yelps as he pushes past more Russians. We ran to the edge. "Holy shit! Holy shit! Shit! Holy shit! Holy shit!" Dustin gasps. "This way!" Steve shouts. We all follow him, running as fast as we can. Steve pushed over the metal barrels into the guards as we were close to being cornered. We ran into a room and Steve held the door closed. Instead of running with Erica, Dustin and Robin, I stayed with Steve. The Russians were close to breaking the door down. Robin ran over and helped keep it closed. "Y/n, go with Dustin!" Steve yelled. "NO! I'm not leaving you," I retort. "Come on!" Dustin shouts. "Go! Just get out of here!" Steve yells. "Go! Come on! Now!" Dustin continues. "No! Just go get some help, okay?" Steve shouts. "I'll tell Mike you love him and I won't forget you!" Dustin yelled before escaping. As soon as he shut the vent to escape, the door burst open, sending the three of us flying back. The Russians had their guns pointed at us as we held our hands out in surrender. 

time skip

 I sat in a tiny room as one of the Russian guards stared at me. "It's so tight in here! Is the room get smaller? Is it!? Is it?!" I sob, wanting to be let out so bad. "Who do you work for?" The guard asks in his thick Russian accent. "I don't work for anyone! I'm too young to be employed!" I cry. "How did you get in?" He asks. "I told you before. My mom left me and my friends at the mall and we got lost. We searched around trying to find her. We went into the elevator thinking it would lead us to a parking garage but it brought me down here!" I cry. The guard punched me in my stomach again, as I continued to cough up blood. "Please! Nobody even saw me. Nobody knows I'm here! If you could just let us out won't tell anyone. I swear!" I wheeze only to get punched again. Then, all I see is black. 

Mike's pov

"It can't be good for her to be in there this long." I worry. "Mike, you need to relax," Max exclaims. "What if she gets brain damage or something?" I retort. "Oh, shit. Is that, like a real thing?" Lucas asks. "No, it's not. He made it up. Mike doesn't know what the hell he's talking about," Max scoffs. "Oh, and you do?" I seethe. "No, I..." she begins. "Okay, can you guys settle an argument for us? Who do you think should decide El's limits ? Mike or El?" Max asks. "The way that you frame that is such bullshit," I seethe. "It's not bullshit, Mike. This is your whole problem. And it's also precisely the reason why she dumped your ass," Max retort. "El dumped you?" Nancy asks. "Yeah, because she is conspiring against me. She's corrupting her," I shout, turning my attention back to Max. "No, enlightening her. The fact is, she's not yours. She's her own person fully capable of making her own decisions," Max adds. "She's risking her life for no reason," I explain. "For no reason? Mike, the flayed are out there doing God knows what," Nancy scolds. "Killing, flaying..." Lucas replies. "Transforming into monsters," Will adds. "And El's not stupid. She knows her abilities better than any of us." Nancy defends Max. "Exactly, thank you," Max says. "And she is her own person. With her own free will." Nancy continues, and Max says exactly every time. "El has saved the world twice, and Mike still doesn't trust her," Max smirks. "You wanna talk about trust, really? After you made Eleven spy on us!" I scoff. "Wait, what?" Lucas asks. "Oh, she didn't tell you this?" I ask. "No," Lucas replies. "Your girlfriend used El's powers to spy on us," I explain. "No, no, no, I did not make her. It was her idea. And why are we even talking about this, seriously?" Max exclaims. "Yeah, who cares?" Will backs her up. "I care." Lucas exclaims, "yeah. I guess girls don't lie, they spy." I continue, turning back to Max. "We were just joking around," Max explains. "Wouldn't it've been so funny if I was taking a massive shit or something?" I ask. "You weren't," Max exclaims. "But what if I was?" I ask. "Then gross!" She replies. "Seriously, Mike?" Nancy asks.

"I'm just trying to demonstrate how careless Max is with Eleven's powers. In fact, how careless all of you are. You're treating her like some kind of machine when she's not a machine, and I don't want her to die looking for the Flayed when they've obviously vanished off the face of the earth. So can we please just come up with a new plan because I love her and I can't lose her again." I rant. everyone stays quiet, and Lucas laughs. And then it hit me, was I even talking about El? I think I made a mistake.

El steps out of her room, I quickly turn and look at her. "What's going on?" she asks. "Nothing. Nothing." I retort. "Just a family discussion." Lucas chuckles. "Oh," she replies quietly. "I found him," She blurts. "Found who?" Nancy asks.

Y/n's pov

I woke up to see me lying on the floor as I'm strapped in a chair. I groan in pain. "Y/n's up! Y/n, thank God," Robin sighs. "Why am I on my side?" I ask. "We tried to escape," Robin whispers. All of a sudden, the doors buzzer goes off. "Where were you three going?" One of the guards chuckles. The Russians stand us back up. "Try telling the truth this time, yes?" The guard says to Steve and I. "It will make your visit with Dr. Zharkov less painful," he adds. "Wait a second. Wait. Hold on. Okay! Wait, wait, wait! What is that thing?" Steve asks. "It will help you talk," The Dr. replies before sticking the needle into Steve's neck. He cleans it and does the same thing to Robin. And then, me.

"Honestly, I don't really feel anything. Do you guys?" Steve asks. "I mean, I... I feel fine. I feel normal. Y/n, what about you?" Robin asks. "Do you think Mike even notices I'm missing?" I blurt. "I'll take that as a yes," Steve replies. "I feel good... like really good," I snicker. "Me too!" Robin and Steve reply in sync. "Morons. They messed up the drug," Steve cackles. "They messed it up!" Robin laughs. We continue to laugh as the door opens. "You guys are super scary! Like... I was hoping I'd see some young, hot Russians. But nope! You guys are all super old and ugly!" I giggle. "Would now be a good time to tell you that I don't like doctors?" I ask. "Let's try this again, yes?" The guard asks. Steve nods. "Who do you work for?" He asks. "Scoops. Scoops Ahoy," Steve chuckles. "How did you find us?" he asks. "Totally by accident," Steve lies. "That's actually very false! My friend Dustin and I, we were trying to talk to his girlfriend, Suzie... she's a mormon. And basically we heard your weird code thingy, so we brought it to my brother here, Steve and he showed it to Robin, and we showed it to Erica, and now they're gone. That's right! They escaped and they're gonna take you downnnnn!" I rant on accident. "Who is Dustin and Erica, suka?" The guard spits. "I told you, my best friend Dustin and my other best friends sister, Erica. But to be totally honest here, I kinda like Dustin now. Did I tell you guys that?" I giggle. "You do? That's so cute!" Steve gawks. "It sucks cause he's dating Suzie. It's like, why do I always like the guys that aren't single?" I giggle but stop when the guard slaps me. "Hey, y/n?" Robin begins. "Oh, right! I got sidetracked. Yeah. Dustin Henderson. He knows!" I explain. "Y/n!" Robin groans. "Was I not supposed to say that?" I ask. "Is this your small, curly-haired friend?" The doctor asks. "Oh, his hair! His curly hair! Great hair. Small. Kind of like a 'fro. Yeah. It's super soft, by the way," I snicker. "Where is he?" the man asks. "He's long gone, you big goof! And he's probably calling Hopper, and Hopper's calling the US cavalry," I laugh, spilling all this stuff that I didn't wanna spill. "They're gonna come in here, commando-style, guns a-blazin', and kick your sorry asses back to Russia. You're gonna be two pieces of toast," Steve laughs. "Is that so?" the man asks. "Yeah!" I giggle. All of a sudden, we hear the alarm go off. We see Dustin and Erica run in to the room. Dustin electrocutes the doctor. We watch in shock as he falls to the ground. "Hey! Henderson! That's crazy, Y/n was just talking about you," Steve gasps. "Oh, my God! Dustin's our hero!" I babble. "Get ready to run!" he demands.  

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