the gate pt.3

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Steve and I got ready for the Snow Ball (I wore outfit above). I didn't wanna go but everyone insisted I did. What's the point in going if I don't have a date? 

Steve and I drove to Dustin's house. When we got there, Dustin was already waiting outside. "Holy shit, Dustin! What happened to your hair?" I laugh as he gets in. "What?" he asks. "It's... It's so puffy," I giggle, patting my hand on it a couple of times. "All right, guys, here we are. So, remember, once you get in there..." Steve starts. "Pretend like I don't care," Dustin finishes. "You don't care," Steve smirks. "I don't care," Dustin adds. "There you go. You're learning, my friend. You're learning," Steve nods. Dustin looks at himself in the mirror. "Hey," Steve sighs. "What?" Dustin asks. "Come on. You look great, okay? You look... You look great. Okay? Now you're gonna go in there... Look like a million bucks. And you're gonna slay 'em dead," Steve explains. "Like a lion," Dustin purrs. "Don't do that, okay? Good luck," Steve smiles. I thought to myself, if I stay quiet enough, maybe they'll forget I'm here so I won't have to go. I watch as Dustin gets out of the car and walks into the gym. We sat in the car for a minute and I thought my plan worked. "Y/n, I know you're still here," Steve blurt. I groan. "Come up here," Steve orders. I climb into the front seat. "What's the big problem?" Steve asks. "What's the point of going if I don't even have a date," I sniffle, on the verge of crying. "Hey. Hey. Hey, are you crying?" Steve questions. I shake my head, no. Trying my best to hold back my tears. "Are you sure? Because Harrington's don't cry. We're too tough for that," he teases. "Are you laughing? Do I see a smile on that face?" he asks. This was always a thing Steve did. Whenever I cry he always makes me laugh by pretending I was already laughing. A couple of seconds later, he starts to tickle me. "There's the smile!" He exclaims. "Now go in there. And have a good time!" He demands. "Okay," I groan. "Thatta girl! I'll pick you up after, okay?" He asks. I nod and get out of the car.

"Is there a bird nesting in there?" Lucas teased Dustin as I walk over to the party. "What do you mean, 'what's wrong with my hair?' There's no bird nesting in here, asshole. Okay? I worked hard," Dustin bragged before a slow song came on. Lucas turned to Max. "Max..." he began. "Hey. Um, it's nice, right? You want to, um... You want to, like... You know? Like, just you and me?" Lucas asked. "Are you trying to ask me to dance, stalker?" Max questions. "No, of course not. Unless you want to," he explained. "So smoothe. Come on," Max chuckles. We watch as Lucas and Max walk onto the dance floor. "Hey, Zombie Boy," a girl calls out. "Do you want to dance?" She asks Will. "Um... I don't..." Will stutters, looking at Mike. Mike signals for him to say yes. "I mean... I mean, yeah. Sure," he agrees. "Cool," She smiles. The two walk away, leaving Mike, Dustin, and I. "I'm gonna sit down," I groan, sitting down at the table. 

I watched as Dustin and Nancy got up and danced. Now it was just Mike and I left. "Hey, Mike?" I blurt. "Yeah?" he turns to face me. "Wanna dance?" I ask. "Uh... I would, y/n/n. You know I would. But I wanna be here just in case El does actually come. Sorry," he replies, sending me a smile. I sniffle as I burry my face in my arms. A couple of minutes later, 'Every Breath You Take' was playing. Mike was still waiting for El which just made being here even more painful. Mike and I's heads both lift up as we spot El walking into the room. I watch as Mike gets up and walks over to her. Then, I watch as they walk to the dance floor. I already knew what was going to happen so there was no point in me staying around to watch. I quickly got up and walked out of the room and I began to walk to the bathrooms. I walked into the girl's bathroom and walked to the mirror. I stared at myself and started to cry. I broke the only role I had set for myself and somehow I didn't gain anything from breaking it. When I made the rule I thought I would at least get the guy. But somehow I have less than I started with. I sat down on the ground, my head leaned against the wall. Was El prettier than me? Funnier than me? What does Mike see in her? And why can't he see it in me? 

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