the gate pt.2

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"God," Lucas blurt. "What is this place?" Max asks. "It isn't safe here. Like, at all. I mean, so many things could go wrong here--" I begin. "Y/n!" Everyone scolds, making me shut up. "Guys, come on. Keep moving," Steve demanded. Dustin fell behind; we heard him screaming for help, so we ran to him. He fell over a couple of times. "It's in my mouth! Some got on my mouth! Shit!" He screamed before he started coughing. "I'm okay," He sighed, looking up at us. We all continued to walk, groaning at him. "All right, Wheeler. I think we found your hub," Steve exclaimed. "Let's drench it," Mike declared. We poured the gasoline, getting ready to light it up. "All right, you guys ready?" Steve asked. "Yeah," We exclaimed. "Light her up," Dustin ordered. "I am in such deep shit," Steve breathed as he pulled out his lighter. "Go, go, go!" Steve yelled as we ran for the exit. "Let's go! Let's go!" Steve shouted. "Hey, this way!" He continued. "Help! Help! Help!" Mike screamed. We turn around, running to help him. Steve took his bat, slamming it into the vine, setting Mike free. All of a sudden we hear growling, we look at the Demo-dog in front of us. "Dart," Dustin panted. We all started talking at the same time before Dustin shushed us. "Trust me, please," he begged. "Hey. It's me, it's me. It's your friend, it's Dustin. It's Dustin, all right? You remember me? Will you let us pass? Okay, okay, I'm sorry. I'm sorry about the storm cellar. That was a pretty douchey thing to do. You hungry? Yeah?" Dustin began. "He's insane," Lucas whispered. "Shut up," Steve replied. "I've got our favorite. See? Nougat. Look at that. Yummy. Here, all right? Eat up, buddy. Come on. Come on," Dustin whispered, waving us. We walked past the two as quiet as possible. Dustin got up, running with us out of the tunnel. All of a sudden, we heard rumbling, and pieces of gravel fell down on us. "They're coming," Mike exclaimed as we heard roaring. "Run! Run!" Mike yelled. We made it to the rope. Max climbed up first. Then Lucas, then Mike. Then me. Dustin and Steve didn't make it up in time. The Demo-dogs ran passed them. Steve held Dustin close. When all the Demo-dogs passed. Steve lifted Dustin onto his shoulders as Mike pulled Dustin out of the tunnel. Steve getting out not too long after.

The light from the car shone brightly in our eyes as El must've been closing the gate. We covered our eyes from the burning light. Then, the light faded away.

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