trick or treat freak

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"Y/n, wake up. You're gonna be late for school," Steve ordered as he shook me awake. "And? Who cares?" I groan. "Just... come on. It's Halloween, your favorite day of the year," he smiles. "Whatever," I scoff, getting out of bed. Steve leaves my room, and I change into (outfit above w/ white converse). Before leaving, I sneak the bottles of beer into my backpack.

When I got to school, the boys were singing the ghostbusters theme song by the bike rack. I walk over to them. "Who you gonna call?" They sang. "Ghostbusters!" Will exclaimed. "Hey, Spengler!" Mike smiled. "Egon! Yeah!" Lucas called. "Venkman!" Will pointed to Lucas. I contorted my face, thinking Mike was Venkman. "Whoa! Whoa!" Mike started. "What?" Lucas asked. "Why are you Venkman?" Mike questioned. "Because I'm Venkman," Lucas explained. "No, I'm Venkman," Mike retort. "Why can't there just be two Venkman's?" Will suggested. "Because there's only one Venkman in real life. We planned this months ago. I'm Venkman, Dustin's Stanz, you're Egon, y/n's a ghost, and you're Winston," Mike explained. "I specifically didn't agree to Winston," Lucas snapped. "Yes, you did!" Mike scoffed. "I don't think he did," Will cuts in. "No one wants to be Winston, man," Lucas adds. "What's wrong with Winston?" Mike asked. "What's wrong with Winston? He joined the team super late, he's not funny, and he's not even a scientist!" Lucas explained. "Yeah, but he's still cool," Mike defended. "If he's cool, then you be Winston," Lucas sneered. "I can't!" Mike exclaimed. "Why not?" Lucas asked. "Because..." Mike stuttered. "Because you're not black?" Lucas mocked Mike. "I didn't say that!" Mike exclaimed. "You thought it," Lucas retorts. "I didn't say it, though!" Mike defends. "Well, y/n didn't even dress up, so..." Lucas points out. All the boys turn to me. "Y/n, where's your costume?" Mike asks. "I'm not dressing up this year," I reply. "But Halloween is your favorite day of the year," Mike adds. "Doesn't mean I have to dress up," I retort. "Guys... Guys! Guys!" Dustin shouted. We all turned to face what he was looking at. "Why is no one else wearing costumes?" Dustin asks, making me laugh.

We walked down the hallway earning laughs from various students. "When do people make these decisions?" Dustin questioned. "Everyone dressed up last year," Will pointed out. "It's a conspiracy, I'm telling you," Dustin adds. "Just be cool," Mike mumbled. "You guys look like idiots," I giggle.

"Who you gonna call? The nerds!" someone called out.

time skip

As we rode down the hill on our bikes, Dustin continued to rant to us. "Really, everyone dressed up last year," "Hey, guys?" Dustin starts, "Go!" We scream as the car drives faster. The car swerves over to the next lane. We all crash into each other. "Mad Max" Lucas pants. "Oh, fuck him!" I seethe. I look down to see one of the beer bottles fell out of my bag. I quickly pick it up and try my best to hide it. "Whoah. Where did you get that?" Lucas asks me. "Nothing. Nowhere," I snap, quickly placing the bottle back into my bag. "We--" he began but stopped.

time skip

We rang the doorbell to a house, yelling, "Trick or Treat!" As we did so. "Well, aren't you cute? The little exterminators?" The lady asked. The boys looked at each other before grabbing some candy. "If I get another 3 Musketeers, I'm gonna kill myself," Lucas groans. "What's wrong with 3 Musketeers?" Dustin asks. "No one likes 3 Musketeers," I add. "Yeah, it's just nougat," Will follows. "Whoa. "Just nougat"? Just nougat? It is top three for me," Dustin defends. "Top three?" Lucas questions. "Top three!" Dustin repeats. "Oh, God. Give me a break," Mike groans. "Seriously, I can just eat a whole bowl of nougat. Straight up," Dustin explained. I start to walk behind the boys as I pull out the first bottle of beer. All of a sudden, someone in a Michael Myers costume jumps out in front of us. We all scream. "Holy shit! You should have seen the look on your faces. And you? Who screams like that? You sound like a little girl. Hey, you guys coming or not? Oh, I heard we should hit up Loch Nora. That's where the rich people live, right?" Max chuckles before beginning to walk. "Yeah!" Dustin and Lucas laugh before running after her. Mike stayed back for a second, making me walk slower so he wouldn't see me.

I continued to chug the drink down, and when I finished it, I threw it on the ground and took the second one out. I snooped in on Will and Mike's conversation. Apparently, Mike doesn't like Max. I finished the second bottle and pulled out the last one. I felt a little funky, and soon enough, I bumped into Mike. "Hey, watch where you're goi-- y/n?" Mike questions. I look up in shock. "Wha--What?" I ask. "Are you okay?" Mike asks. "I"m finnnnnnuh," I reply, slurring my words as I finished off the third bottle. "Holy shit. How many bottles have you finished?" Mike asks. "Not enough," I pout. "How many?" he repeats. "Like, throur," I laugh at the made-up word. "Is that four or three?" Mike quizzes. "Yeah!" I giggle. Suddenly, I fall on my face. "You're drunk, y/n," Mike sighs as he grabs my hand and lifts me back up. I never wanted to let go. "You have the prettiest hair," I babble, trying to play with Mike's hair. "This is so stupid. Wait... Where's Will?" Mike asks. He groans as he drags me around, trying to find Will.

"Will! Will, what's wrong?" Mike asks Will, who was huddled up. "We couldn't find you. Are you hurt?" He pants. "Holy shit!" Dustin exclaims as he, Max, and Lucas ran over to us. "I'm gonna get you home, okay?" Mike reassures as we lift him up. Dustin went to help, but Mike shooed him away. "Mike?" Dustin called. "Keep trick-or-treating. We're bored anyway," Mike retorts. "Wait! Dustin, can any of you take y/n home? She's drunk!" Mike calls out. "I'll do it," Lucas sighs as he puts my arm over his shoulder. "NO! I wanna goo with Michael!" I protest. "Sucks for you," Lucas groans as he carries me to his bike. "Hold on tight because you will fall off," He orders. I sloppily get on the back of his bike as he takes my arms and wraps them around his waist.

time skip

When we get to my house, the party was still going strong. Lucas and I snuck upstairs through the tightly crowded hallways and made it to my room. "Okay, let's hope nobody's in here," He chuckles as he opens the door. He sighs as we find the room empty. He walks me over to the bed and sits me down before closing the door. "Y/n, everyone can tell something is wrong with you. I get it if you don't want to tell everyone, but at least tell me," Lucas begs. "Okay. I... I--I fucked your mom!" I scream at the top of my lungs. Lucas quickly puts a hand over my mouth to shut me up. "Y/n, this isn't you. Please just talk to me," Lucas pleads. I look at Lucas, his eyes meeting mine. For once, I felt like someone actually genuinely cares about me. I leaned in and kissed him. He quickly pulled away. "No! Y/n, this is wrong!" He seethes. "No. I want this," I defend. "No, y/n. You don't. You're drunk, and I'm not taking advantage of you. Two, neither of us like each other in that way. And three, this isn't like you. Please, just talk to me," Lucas orders. "But I do want you. And I'm not even drunkuh," I retort. "Stop, y/n! Just tell me what happened that's been making you act like this!" He demands. I take a deep breath. "There is nothing wrong. I'm not acting like anything. Have you ever thought that maybe it was you that's acting differently? It's, like, all you do anymore is just talk on and on about this girl that isn't even here anymore! She shouldn't mean anything to you, and I was th-the one that's been here since dayyy one! And you can never even notice me-uh!" I slur. "Mike?" Lucas asks. "Mike... means nothing to me," I snap. "Is that all?" Lucas asks. "And that's not even all. I wasted my first kiss on some guy to save you! And you thank me, but you go and kiss someone else right in-fucking-front of me! And I was the one who saved your life. Not her! But you never remember me! Ever! It's bullshit," I add. Lucas nods. "Just bullshit," I sneer. "Do you even realize that you're a hypocrite?" Lucas blurt. "I am not!" I retort. "Okay. Well, I hope when you're sober, you notice that you just took my first kiss, and I didn't want it, either," Lucas follows as he stands up and leaves the room. "Don't leave-uh!" I beg. But he was already gone. I lie down and shut my eyes before passing out.

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