the flayed pt.2

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"Okay, clear. Clear, come on, let's go" Steve whispers as we sneak down the hallway. "Okay, that was close," Robin sighs. "Too close," I add. "Relax. All right? Relax. Nobody saw.." Steve slowed down as we turned a corner to see a bustling area. "Shit," Steve gaps as one of the guards turns are way. We all quickly hide. "I saw it. First floor, northwest," Erica whispers. "Saw what?" Steve asks. "The Comms room," Erica whisper-yells. "You saw the Comms room?" Steve questions. "Correct," she replies. "Are you sure?" I ask. "Positive. The door was open for a second, and I saw a bunch of lights and machines and shit in there." She explains. "That could be a hundred different things," Dustin argues. We all peer out from behind the car. "All right. We're gonna move fast, we're gonna stay low. Okay?" Steve explains. "Okay," We nod. One by one, we all crawl out from our hiding space, and in a line, sneak over to the door. "Let's go," Steve whispers as one of the Russians left the door open. Slowly and quietly, we sneak into the room. When we turn around, we see one Russian sitting in a chair. He reaches for his gun but Robin starts talking in Russian. They start to have a conversation. The man was about to pull out his gun before Steve charged at him. The man through a punch as Steve but he dodged it. Then, Steve elbowed the man in his stomach. Steve took the phone and slammed it to the man's head, knocking him out."Dude! You did it! You won a fight!" Dustin exclaimed. "My brother's a badass!" I shout. "Jeez..." Steve chuckles. Dustin grabs the keycard from the man's belt. "What are you doing?" Erica asks. "Getting us our ticket out of here," Dustin replies. "You want to walk all the way back?" Erica asks. "Well, we can hang out for a little bit, relax, have a picnic maybe," Dustin mocks. "Have a picnic? We came here for the radio. Well, this plan is way better. If I knew Steve could knock out a Russian, that would've been our plan in the first place--" as Dustin ranted, I sneaked up the stairs and saw something shocking. I quickly run back to the group. "Guys. There's something up there," I exclaim. We sneak into the room and quietly shut the door. "Holy shit," Dustin gasps as we stare at the Russians trying to open the gate.

a/n - lowkey ship dustin and y/n but stupid suzie has to ruin everything

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