|| thirty four ||

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he ran.

nothing on his mind but escaping that place.

he felt like he couldn't breath.

his lungs were ceasing up , clawing at his insides for oxygen , for jimin to stop endlessly running and take an moment to rest and catch his breath.
but he didn't stop.
he couldn't stop.
he had to get away.

perhaps the fact that he had never been hurt before in such an emotional way was why it upset him so awfully. his tear struck cloudy white eyes overflowing with his sadness. he had shouts calling after him. jungkooks shouts for him to stop. but even so , he didn't stop.

he knew he had to get away for awhile and experience the real world so he may be more prepared to return. so his heart wouldn't ache so much anymore. why must everything hurt so dearly?

the grass below his feet turned to pavement and the trees that once surrounded him had become large climbing towers of concrete. he had entered this concrete jungle with no experience nor guidance. but he wasn't afraid, he may have been sad. the tears in his eyes had yet to dry up. But he felt an glimmer of excitement in his heart as he faced the urban world. the world he had been locked away from for so long. the bright raging mega city of Seoul.

noises of cars , shops and people chattering  filled  his ears and his eyesight was filled with the mist wonderful bright colours and views.
street sellers lining the streets selling what they had made , the smell of fresh Korean barbecue resonated from the restaurant on his right.

even though he felt very different to the people of Seoul , he felt at home in the wild streets which he walked along. the tears slowly dried out and he distracted his thoughts with the beauty of the metropolis.

" I haven't seen you around here before" a voice called from the shadows,  concealed by the darkness of the night sky , all that was visable was the glowing end of an deadly cigarette. " have you finally gotten sick of meddling where your dirty little hands don't belong?"

" excuse me?" jimins bit his lip, glancing around the street to check for anyone nearby but he was alone. oh how cinematic.

" I said I haven't seen you here before? are you new here?" the voice spoke again , it was an deep voice. Raspy from the assumed harm of the cancer sticks which the man smoked on an daily basis.

" no no , you said something after that-"

" did I? "

" yes!" Jimin almost shouted in reply , regret building in the depths of his stomach as he wished he had someone he knew with him , even V would suffice at this moment.

" I don't believe I said anything of the sort" he hummed , an hint of superiority in his voice as if he were some powerful man.

" aha " jimin pursed his lips , his legs tensing as he prepared to jog down the street. he squeaked out an lie " well my friends are waiting for me... good bye"

and with that said he bolted down the street and into the darkness of the night. nothing could go wrong now? right?

turning an corner , he held his body in his arms. The cold chill of the night was seeping into him causing goosebumps to arise on his skin. but his adrenaline was far too high for him to care.

he ran.

he ran.

like an mouse into its trap.

the cold slowly pulling him from consciousness

as he ran straight into the lions den.

Authors notes:

this chapter was an rollercoaster for me I swear. Ahhhhhzkahaknalam

I'm excited for the next chapter!

who do you think jimin has ran into?

let's find out next chapter!

alsooo thé online BTS concErt iS soon iM loOkinG forward to it.  I'm watching it to celebrate my birthday. even though my birthday isn't for another 13 or so days 😂 sike.

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