|| nine ||

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jungkook breathes out an heavy sigh as he watched the small boy asleep from the centre of the medical ward , doctors hurried around tending to wounded mafia members although through the busy chaos of the ward , jungkooks focus remains on the mysterious boy who caused the whole building to fall into darkness a few days prior . The boy had been unconscious for two days , it worried jungkook for some unknown reason. The lack of knowledge of the boy alongside the aggravation he felt towards the kim mafia ... this boy was supposed to be his answer but he turned out to be an unsolvable question which pounded at jungkooks head day and night alike.

He brought his hands to his head and rubbed the temple of his forehead in an attempt to soothe the headache which wracked through his whole body.

" jungkook" taehyungs appeared at the side of the mafia leader , an brown envelope trembling in his hands as he stood next to jungkook and gazed upon the exhausted boy on the bed infront of the pair. Jimins kneecap had been dislocated thanks to jungkooks torture , and many new ugly bruises now added to the older ones.

jungkook hummed to indicate his notation of taehyungs presence , his eyes hesitantly peeled away from the injured boy to look to taehyung.
" what's the matter taehyung?" He asked with an pressed smile although circles under his eyes were dark and the once strong mafia leader looked stressed and tired all because of the small boy with white eyes.

" you should really sleep jungkook.."taehyung said softly as he thrusted the brown envelope into the leaders hands before continuing to speak " the information on park Jimins born on the 13,10.95... we have a match b-but ... it's odd ... I don't understand how or why but somehow it makes sense."

jungkook looked down to the envelope , swiftly he pulled the paper records out of the brown encasing , he read it with an thirst for information about the boy before him.

Park Jimin
born 13/10/1993
gender: male
place of birth : busan
parents : Jung haru and park Seong-Wu
Age 10 taken from family to government facility to investigate reports of unnatural occurrences and powers
project ELECTRA - investigation into powers and unnatural occurrences as stated by parents .

project ELECTRA diary's
entry 23/07 / 08 - dr cho
today the subject seems to be agitated, after morning checkups, the boy seems to be angry and anyone who comes near is electrocuted by an power surge originating from the boy. Nurses had to sedate him.

entry 16/01/13 - nurse min
since Electra has failed to show us his powers for three months now the board of directors has sent in inquisiteurs to force him to use his powers , they beat him until he fights back... it's horrible to watch the boy endure but we are working towards a much bigger goal in the long term.

entry 03/06/15 - vice director kyung
The first mission happened today , the prime minister wanted to scare the opposition so electra was taken to the place and told to make up an storm , sure enough he did so but the subject was terrified after accidentally killing the son of the opposition, the nurses report screams and cries coming from his room at night , electra has been diagnosed as mentally unstable and will not venture on any further missions until his health improves.

entry 27/09/15 - dr cho
since the mission in June , electra has been struggling with panic attacks and controlling his powers , the directors have demanded that he be sent on another mission to rehabilitate him into the work desired by the board.

entry 01/12/15 - vice director kyung
the 2nd mission occurred yesterday, electra was sent to interrogate criminals to make them submit to their crimes. Taunting from the criminals scared electra however he managed to pull through and complete the mission correctly.

entry 07/03/17-nurse min
electra is training well , his emotions have seemed to numbed over the course of time and he can often complete missions without hesitation. The nurses have been told to test his limits on emotional capabilities.

entry 19/04/18 - dr cho
today electra had an nightmare about the death of nurse min , just over a year ago he killed her with his powers after she went to far with orders from the board of directors. The scientists have begun investigations into producing an device that will hinder his powers and prevent unnecessary deaths.

entry 13/10/18 - dr cho
today was electra's 23rd birthday , the doctors and nurses planned an secret birthday party for him however he didn't understand what was happening and why we were celebrating for him ... I believe he has been away from society and kindness for too long.

entry 16/08/19 - vice director kyung
the launch of hindering bracelets today has made an vast contrast to electra's powers. With the bracelets on electra cannot produce enough electric power to hurt anyone. the bracelets were made from an mix of iron, osmium and lead.

Jungkook snapped his eyes up from the paper records , stuffing them back into the envelope and passing the envelope back to taehyung.
" get those bracelets made ... we can't risk any deaths or mistakes "

taehyung felt guilty over producing the bracelets which would most likely hurt the mysterious boy but he knew better than to argue with the bunny , he understood how quickly jungkooks attitudes could change from calm to angry. " il get right to it sir " taehyung mumbled , turning to leave the ward.

jungkook stepped closer to Jimins bedside , a conflicted countenance engulfing his body as he stared down at the boy.

" I cant tell if you're going to be a good thing or bad"

authors note:
Wow I'm astounded by the growth this book has had just over the past few days , I'm really happy that people are taking the time to read this and I hope I can continue to produce good chapters for all you guys.
This chapter offered some insight into what jimin went through whilst at the facility.
I hoped you all enjoyed this chapter and will be excited about the next chapter coming out in the coming days.

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