~ Chapter 76 ~

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And before they knew it, the sun shown through the windows, indicating that, it was in fact, the following day. 

And also the day Jaemin would have to talk to his father. 

Yawning, he lifted his head from the pillow, and was greeted with a sleeping Hajoon and Haneul. Jaemin really didn't think they'd wake up anytime soon. Especially since Hajoon kept them up for half of the night. 

The other half, Haneul and Jaemin just spent their time just watching T.V. Probably not a good idea, but who can blame them? They were bored, and definitely not tired. 

But Jaemin was starting to regret staying up, especially since he had to get up. At 8 in the morning. Which, for him, was way too early. 

Trying his best to not wake them up, Jaemin quietly sat up on the bed, about to get off to get changed. 

But a hand stopped him. 

Haneul grabbed Jaemin's wrist softly as she slowly opened her eyes. Jaemin turned around to face her, and gave her a smile. 

"Good morning," she mumbled, trying not to wake up Hajoon, who was sleeping in between them. 

"Good morning my love," Jaemin whispered, causing Haneul to blush a deep red at the sudden endearment. 

"Where are you going?" she managed to say as Jaemin chuckled at her cute behaivor. But then she remembered where he had to go. "Oh."

Jaemin gave her a small nod, and was about to get up, but was stopped again. 

"Do you want me to come with you? I can have Chenle and Jisung look after Hajoon-"

"No, it's okay," Jaemin interrupted. 

In reality, he would love Haneul to come with him. But at the same time, it's better if she stayed home with Hajoon. Jaemin didn't know what his father would say or do. But he knew it wouldn't be good, and he definitely didn't want Haneul to witness it. 

Plus, on the brighter side, she'll get to have some mother and son time.

A pout formed on Haneul's face, but quickly disappeared when Hajoon started to move around. Both their eyes widened, as the baby's face started to change, meaning he was just about to cry. 

Haneul quickly patted Hajoon's back, trying to get him to not cry, as Jaemin quickly made his way to the bathroom, trying not to make any noise that could wake Hajoon up even more. 

And fortunately, he didn't make a sound. 

Closing the door behind him, Jaemin looked at himself in the mirror. For the first time, he was happy. Way more than he was in the past. He had everything he had ever wanted. And even though it didn't see like much, it was more than enough for him. 

And to Na Jaemin, that was all that mattered. 

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