~ Chapter 50 ~

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The women looked Haneul up and down as she scrunched her eyebrows. Her eyes held no emotion when she locked eyes with the girl. 

Haenul held the contact for a couple seconds before looking away. She guessed this woman was probably Jaemin's mother. 

And she was in fact, correct.

"So," the woman began. "I heard you're the mother."

Haneul's eyes widened. What exactly did she mean by that? Haneul was NOT the biological mother, but, she definitely was something to Hajoon. She had to be, right?

"Mom..." Jaemin whispered, trying to get his mother's attention. He knew Haneul didn't know how to respond to that. But she'd just have to say no. 

"Jaemin, be quiet. I'm not talking to you right now," his mom told him, glancing at him before turning her attention towards Haneul again. "So, are you, or are you not the mother?"

The younger girl felt her throat go dry as she fidgeted with the strings attached to her dress. She tried her best to look anywhere except Mrs. Na herself. But she had to say something. 

Screw it. 

"Yes, I am."

The room became silents as the only sound was Hajoon's little laughs. Jaemin's eyes widened along with the rest of the boys in the room. He felt his heart beat faster than usual as a smile made its way to his lips. 

Haneul stood straighter and looked Mrs. Na in the eyes. She gave her a slight smile before making her way to stand next to Jaemin. 

"I'm sorry you had to hear it this way."

Jaemin held his breath as he glanced over at the girl. She was definitely scared. The Na family had a lot of power, and a lot of money. One wrong move, and her entire life could go down. She for one should know that. 

 But at the moment, she didn't care. 

Haneul really shouldn't have been saying what she said. But she wanted to. She needed to. And right now, she didn't care what Jaemin's mother thought. 

Spending time away from the two boys made her realize how much they made a difference in her life. They were irreplacable. And she she knew she had to say something. 

When Jaemin had told her he loved her, she was too upset to realize that maybe she felt the same way.

 But staying away from them really took a toll on her. She realized that she needed Hajoon and Jaemin. But she was too upset and frustrarted to say anything earlier. 

Maybe it was time to admit it. She took a deep breath, and looked back at the mother. She grabbed Jaemin's free hand and held it tight. 

He looked over at her as she quickly glanced at him before looking back at his mother. Haneul gave Mrs.Na a small smile before getting ready to say what was on her mind.  

"I'm sorry you had to find out this way.....but I'm in love with your son."

And now we're at chapter 50


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