~ Chapter 8 ~

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The sunlight seeped through the window, waking up the boy sleeping on the bed. 

Jaemin smiled, stretching. He turned so that he was sleeping on his side, but when he opened his eyes, he was face to face with a baby. 

He quickly shot out of bed, stepping far away from the baby that was sleeping soundly on his bed.

"What the hell?" Jaemin whispered, leaving the bedroom and walking outside. He went to the kitchen, expecting to see someone there, but there was no one. 

Walking back to the room, he stared at the baby, not believing it was really there. 

"What do I do? How did it even get here?"

He paced around the room, keeping his distance from the quiet baby. Well, until it started to wake up.

"Crap, what do I do now?" Jaemin asked himself as the baby started to move around, waking up.

Jaemin was sure the baby was a boy, maybe around 2 years old. He was adorable as far as babies go, but Jaemin wasn't ready to go up to him. 

Soon, after stretching, the baby started to open his eyes. And after a full 5 seconds of quiet, he started to cry. 

Jaemin stood there, not knowing what to do. He wanted to go up to the baby, but at the same time, he was really confused. He didn't have time to think. Instead, he walked over to the baby and sat down.

"Um...don't cry?" 

That didn't work. It only caused the baby to cry more.

Jaemin sighed, and carried the baby, being very gentle. It was his first time ever really holding a baby. He didn't have any experience.

He slowly got up and started to rock the baby around until the cries became less and less. Eventually, the baby stopped crying and just looked at Jaemin. 

"Why is this so awkward?"

Jaemin rocked the baby a bit more before he started to slowly fall asleep. Jaemin sighed in relief as he set the baby back down on the bed. 

His heart started to beat faster. He still didn't know how this baby got here. He barely remembered last night. 

Jaemin quickly went to the bathroom. He might as well take a shower while the baby was asleep. It would also give him some time to think. 

He walked inside and closed the door behind him. Quickly taking off his clothes, Jaemin got inside the shower and felt the warm water hitting his skin. 

And soon, he got lost in his own thoughts. Honestly, he didn't really remember much of yesterday. He knew he went to his parents' house, and after that, he drank something with a girl, but that was where his mind blacked out. 

"Shit, I got drunk," he mumbled, mentally hating himself. "Mom and dad are probably worried."

That's when he realized. He couldn't tell his parents about the baby. For the first time, Jaemin felt like he would cry. He didn't know what he was going to do about this. 

But before he could do anything else, he heard the voice of the baby again. More like the cries. 

"omg, can you be quiet?" Jaemin mumbled, quickly getting out of the bathtub, and drying his hair. He wrapped a towel around his lower half and ran to the bedroom. 

Picking up the baby, he rocked it, but it still wouldn't stop crying. Instead, the cries got even louder. 

"Why are you crying?" Jaemin whined, knowing full well that the baby wouldn't answer.

He rocked the baby a bit more, hoping it would help, but it didn't. 

"You're probably hungry."

The baby stopped crying as if it understood what Jaemin had said. It then just stared at him, expecting something. 

"So I'm guessing you are. You have some teeth in, so I think you can eat somewhat hard food?"

The baby smiled as if it understood.

Jaemin smiled back. The baby was cute, and it melted his heart for a second whenever he did it. But that didn't change the fact that he was still hesitant about it. 

"Okay, I'm going to set you down for a bit, but then I'll be right back," Jaemin mumbled, setting the baby down on the bed slowly. But maybe that was a bad idea. The baby started to cry again.

"I'll be right back," he yelled, running to his closet to get some clothes. He pulled out a sweatshirt, and a pair of ripped jeans, and after thinking about his choice, he quickly changed.

"There, I'm back," he said, walking towards the crying baby. He picked him up and thought for a moment. 

Since Jaemin doesn't cook, they could go to the cafe, but he didn't know how he would get there, considering he didn't have a car seat. The only option he had was walking. 

"The things you make me do," he sighed, putting on his shoes and walking to the door.

tHe tEa


I hope everyone is staying healthy and safe!!!

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