~ Chapter 9 ~

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"Shit," Haneul groaned, massaging her temples as she got out of bed. The light hit her eyes, making her headache even worse. 

When she finally opened her eyes, she noticed that she was laying on the couch, and looked over to see Mark and Sana in the kitchen. 

"You're awake!" Sana told her, handing her some warm water. 

"What happened last night?" Haneul asked, taking the water and drinking a little bit.

"Well, basically, you got drunk over how you couldn't find a match, and something about you forever being alone?"

Haneul groaned again and mumbled some incoherent curse words as she laid back down on the bed. 

"My head hurts so bad, I can't-"

"Sana, I need your help."

"Damn, Mark, can you wait?" Haneul told him, before scoffing at Sana, who gave her friend a smile before going over to help Mark.

"Sorry Han, but I need my girlfriend now."

"I'll forgive you this time," she replied, getting up, but instantly regretted it. Her head hurt before, but standing up made it even worse.

"Ouch," she mumbled, heading to her room. 

When she managed to get there, she closed the door, and walked to the bathroom. She quickly took her clothes off, and stepped into her shower, turning the water on.

The water hit her shoulders, causing her to quickly back up. "I forgot it was cold."

She regretted her choices but decided to stay inside the shower since she was already wet.

"Finally," the water had just turned hot, causing Haneul to feel warm again. She stayed in the warm water for a while, thinking about what had happened yesterday. 

She laughed at the stupid things she was sure she had said. 

"Hopefully they don't haunt me with my words forever," she said, talking about Mark and Sana. 

Finally, what felt like forever, she finally got out of the shower, feeling the cold brushing past her skin. Wrapping a towel around herself, she opened the bathroom door and walked into her bedroom. 

Opening up the closet, Haneul contemplated what she would wear for the day. There wasn't much to think about since she only had formal clothes, or jeans and a sweatshirt.

"This will do," she mumbled, pulling out a red sweatshirt with a pair of ripped jeans. 

Putting it on, she brushed her hair and looked in the mirror. No need for makeup. Smiling to herself, she walked about of her room, greeted with Mark and Sana putting their shoes on.

"Are you guys leaving already?" she asked, even though she knew the answer. 

"We have to go now, or we'll miss the flight."

"But Mark-"

"Mark is right Han. We have to." the friend said, pulling Haneul into a hug. 

"I'll miss you guys lots." she managed to say, pulling Mark into the hug as well. "Call me when you reach Canada?"

"Of course," Mark answer, before pulling away. 

Haneul and Sana stayed in the hug for a minute longer before pulling away. Sana wiped the tear from her eye before giving Haneul a smile.

"Don't cry! You're only going to be gone for 3 months."

"That's still too long," Sana said, slightly laughing. "I guess we should go?"

Mark nodded, giving Haneul a smile. "See you later?"

"See you later." 

She smiled as the two left. She was really happy for them. They loved each other, and as much as she wanted the two to stay, she wanted them to have fun themselves as well.

When they left, Haneul walked back into her apartment, closing the door. She didn't realize it at first, but she had absolutely nothing to do. Without the two with her, life was boring. 

After a while of thinking, she decided to do what anyone would do when they wanted to make new friends.

Go out into the world.

Taking out her phone, Haneul typed in the nearest cafe. "Ooh, this one looks nice," she commented, clicking on it.

"It's only 10 minutes away."

Haneul smiled and put her shoes on. Maybe she'll be able to make some friends there. Maybe even a bit more.

I hope everyone is staying healthy!! <3

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