Capitol X

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"Welcome to Valhale Kingdom, Empress Alathea Valeria Avianna d'Athenous"

"Welcome home, Prince Wolf Liev Vauville"

As soon as Alathea and Wolf stepped inside the palace, they were welcomed by a line of servants. She returned their greetings with a small smile and approached the royal family who were waiting by the huge staircase. A small number of ministers were present as well, showing their respect by bowing and greeting the famous Empress of the Undine Empire.

"Welcome to Valhale Kingdom, Empress Alathea" King Farron said, giving her brief nod "the Empress will be staying here for five days, she is welcome to do anything she wants inside the palace. Respect her and welcome her warmly"

"Of course, your majesty" Everyone bowed at the royal family

King Farron looked back at Alathea "Shannon will be seeing you two to your chambers" a royal maid stood behind Alathea and Wolf "If there are any problems, you can come and talk to me"

Alathea smiled at him "I am grateful for such hospitality" she looked at Wolf "Do you want to rest for the day?" Wolf nodded at her, offering her his arm which she gladly placed a hand "Excuse us, King Farron" they both turned their back from the King and followed the royal head maid to their respective room. Alathea's entourage quietly followed behind them as well.

On their way to their room, Alathea can't help but let her eyes wonder around the halls filled with various paintings. There are newly placed fresh flowers in each vase they passed by. The chandeliers that were hanging above the high ceiling were newly cleaned, blue fabrics with the royal insignia were hanging on the high ceiling as well. It is quite a familiar palace for Alathea but she can still distinguish the difference between Undine and Valhale's style.

"Your highness, your greatness, we have arrived" the maid announced opening the large wooden double door at the end of the hall. They both went inside and Alathea's eyes were quickly caught by the fireplace at the left side of the room. It was a large room with a wide balcony viewing the palace's gardens. A large canopy bed displayed at the right side of the room, across the fireplace.

It felt warm and cozy inside. Alathea walked further inside the room, her boots were unable to make sound as the floor is covered with a carpet embroidered with different patterns. Her hands moved around the couches, touching the smooth wood and velvety cushions.

"If you do not find this room pleasant, then we could—" the head maid was stopped when Alathea suddenly spoke

"there is no need! I love the room" she looked back at the maid and smile "Please do pass my gratitude to the king"

The head maid bowed and let out a relieved smile. She was actually expecting for Alathea to be strict since she heard that Alathea was the infamous Tyrant's daughter "I will gladly pass the message to his majesty. Your dinner will be ready soon and will be brought in here"

Alathea nodded at her "and can you call the crown prince? I wish to discuss something with him"

"If you wish so" she said before finally dismissing herself

"Why did you want to see my brother?" Wolf asked, taking a seat on a nearby couch

"to summon lady Madelaine into the palace" Alathea answered straight away, making Wolf flinch from his seat. She looked at her personal guards and servants, giving them a signal to leave the room. She stood by the fireplace and watch as the fire devour the wood in the hearth. The cracking sound of the wood filled the quiet room "I'll have to ask him to have her as a guest in the palace so you could see and talk to her freely"

Wolf can't help but balled his hands to fists "That would only worry the officials and would create gossips around the palace. The king would not approve of this"

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