Capitol XXXVI

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"Imperial consort Adlai Tournebut!!" Adlai inhaled sharply as he was pulled out from his deep thoughts by Leticia's loud voice. He felt like he was underwater, hearing nothing but his father's voice. Honey eyes were carefully staring at him. It might be rude but she can't help but think that he was the craziest person she had ever laid her eyes into "What are you doing standing there?! Help your wife!"

A pair of aquamarine eyes landed on the crying figure in the bed. Adlai could see Alathea's appearance in a state of a serpent's, her eyes were not back to normal and her exposed skin was showing scales all over. There were tears flowing from the corner of her eyes as she repeatedly blamed herself, thinking it was her fault and that she's in a deep pain.

The royal physician, Leticia, remained calm by her side. She was carefully examining her body with various apparatus while talking the empress out from her psychological distress, desperately trying to calm her down. Seeing that the consort was still unmoving, she called him out once more.

Adlai let his feet drag him on the opposite side of the bed and had his hands find its way on hers "Thea, I'm here" he said in a weak voice. He was squeezing her hand, but he couldn't tell if she's aware of her presence. He felt invisible, like he was not existing at all.

"It hurts" Alathea bawled, gripping her free hand on her bulging stomach "It really hurts!"

"Your majesty, please you have to calm down. You're straining too much; it could affect your child" Leticia had repeatedly said as she tried to massage Alathea's stomach. She clicked her tongue and said "We couldn't give her a sedative, it's not good for her pregnant body. The pain will only worsen if she keeps straining and transforming like this", she looked at Adlai and noticed that he was staring at her stomach, quietly observing. A shudder went down from her spine as she noticed his cold eyes "Sixth imperial consort Adlai, if you're not planning to help then please leave"

Adlai raised his eyebrows and looked at the royal physician "Is something wrong, royal physician?"

"Is something—" something was definitely odd with the imperial consort right now. Leticia is used on seeing his usual calm demeanor who loved spoiling himself with books on his hands. Whenever his wife is feeling unwell, although he would remain stoic, he always made sure to stay close if ever she asked for his touch. However, today, he had been emitting a different and dangerous impression that she had never seen before "Your wife, the empress, is in a lot of pain right now! If this continues, she could lose her child! We need to calm her NOW! If you're not planning on helping then please go!" she may have been rude or even receive a punishment for being rude towards an imperial family but as a physician, it is her job to provide utmost care to her patients. If the consort would like to remain odd, then it would be best to have him out of the room so they could all return their focus to the empress.

Upon hearing her tone, Adlain can't help but flinch, blinking once again as he said "I'm sorry I—" maybe she's right, he needs to leave. He is not needed. Alathea's wails were still echoing around the room and it's already hurting his ears. He couldn't believe he just thought of wanting an unborn, innocent, child to die. He should not be there, he's too dangerous. Crowding his mind with his own thoughts once more, Adlai slowly let go of his wife's hand and took a step back "I'll leave—"

He had attempted to leave, however, Adlai stopped from his tracks when he finally heard a word from his wife "Idris, no—" she cried "I don't want you to leave"

His head quickly snapped back; eyes landing on her face. She looked in a lot of pain as her skin was turning pale, cold sweat falling down from her scalp and her eyes were flowing with tears "Thea, I—"

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