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The capital was in utter chaos. Citizens from the North had started to migrate southward to avoid the danger of the upcoming war. Noble and commoners in the Moon capital have also begun to pack and move to seek refuge to the south with fear plastered on their faces. Hundreds and thousands of knights from noble houses marched from the south—sons who were able to fight were also called into the capital to assist the imperial family.

Heavy footsteps marched through the hallway in a rhythmic matter. A man wearing a black and gray raiment kept his gaze straight while his left hand was resting on the hilt of his sword attached to his waist. Few men and women dressed as knights followed his trail to make their way to the conference hall.

The knights immediately saluted and opened the door to welcome the Undine Empire's imperial knight general, Duke Henrik Moyaux.

"How could they do this to us?! The wedding is sacred, and the treaty is effective—"

"A letter came from Valhale. They have claimed that the treaty is no longer validated after they have accused us of attacking their land first."

"No one issued any attacks! Our fleets have long left their territory after the marriage!"

Arguments were growing all over the room. Heads from noble houses threw their hands as they shouted their opinions. Some stomped their feet and smacked their hands on the wooden oval desk; only the members of the imperial family and the advisors kept still in their respective seats. Henrik's entrance seemed to calm the atmosphere as the attention turned to him, and their voices started to lower.

He raised his eyebrows and did a quick scan around the room before finally letting himself in. "Did everyone in this room have forgotten their etiquette?" he glared at the few Counts who immediately pressed their lips shut, slowly pulling their seat to settle down. "If you keep on raising your voices like that, then this discussion is nothing but meaningless."

A Marquess scoffed at the Duke's comment and said, "You have to understand, Duke, that everyone is not in a good state right now with war marching towards our own home. We have been wrongfully accused, the North is compromised, and we have yet to make our move."

"and you think shouting will help us reach a decision?" The Duke rebutted, raising his eyebrows once more, earning a scowl from the Marquess. "May I remind everyone that her majesty's presence has graced us." Eyes slowly turned their attention to the head of the table with a hesitant expression. The Empress maintained her stoic expression the whole time, not showing any contempt, as her mind had seemed to wander off from their debate. "It is our utmost priority to reach a proper conclusion with a proper mind." Seeing that no one would dare to further argue with his words, Henrik approached the table and placed a few figures on the map sprawled on the table's surface. "I have already sent a few quick units to help with the evacuations and vanguard our defenses—"

"—have the knights been collected from their respective houses?" Alathea suddenly inquired, moving her body to sit straight. Lynx glanced at her from the back, keeping his distance as he stood behind the Empress' seat.

Nodding, Dion answered, "Excluding the general's men, more than eight thousand have been situated in the capital and are set to move to the North in your instruction. Five thousand more should arrive in three days and more from the Edo Empire and Zhou Empire in two weeks."

Alathea has been desperately trying to keep war from their Empire. The civil war that occurred during her father's reign had significantly impacted the lives of her people. With the death of people, the Empire's military stronghold was reduced along with it. She avoided wars and settled everything through negotiations, entered a polygamous marriage to maintain stability with other countries. The Valhale Kingdom was the only kingdom that remained hostile towards Undine Empire. She thought she'd be able to see through this correctly, but she was wrong.

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