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A/N: HELLO, EVERYONE! DID YOU MISS ME?! HEHE. Well, I'm NOT OFFICIALLY back yet but I thought of giving this to you for being so patient. I still need more time and I'm still busy. So, it'll take another long wait before I could give the next update. But for now, enjoy~

I would also like to warn you. This could be a roller coaster ride. Not a very pleasant one.


Alathea tried to suppress her moan as she felt him fill her for the second time. The table beneath her bare bottom shakes along with his hard and fast thrust; the lone-lit candle tumbled and rolled over the wooden surface, forcibly extinguishing the only light that barely illuminates the tent. She felt cold and sore, her pants were long thrown to the side, and her shirt was forcibly opened, showing her bare skin, but she didn't care—she offered her neck for him to savor, biting her lower lip every time she felt him hit her most vulnerable spot that sends shivers in her whole body.

It felt like she was in the highest peak of ecstasy, which made her feel very addicted. She could hear him moaning, cursing at any given opportunity—her mind has started to feel a little numb and failed to notice how Wolf had wiped all the tools in his table and forced her body to turn and enter her once more from the back. "My Empress, I didn't know you were such a slut." He mocked, pushing her face on the table with his hand on her hair. Wolf pressed himself on her back and whispered in her left ear, "What would your people say if they see you like this? Almost kneeling to have a traitor like me? How shameful." He snickered between his thrust. "Your foolish heart will only lead you to your beloved Empire's destruction."

At that moment, Alathea suddenly felt something in her gut, like a switch that automatically pulled her back to reality—she felt disgusted to herself, enough to make her nauseous. She let her selfish desire get ahead of her. "Get off of me." She mumbled between her ragged breath, trying to push her upper body from his strength. He didn't hear her first, but she made sure he did as she gathered all her strength to move away from his hold successfully. She staggered, but she didn't care and grabbed a piece of her shirt with haste, covering anything she could while she glared at Wolf. What am I doing to myself?! "Get your filthy hands away from me!" she angrily spat, quickly grabbing back the sword that fell on the ground and pointing it in his direction.

Wolf raised his hands to show no hostility. However, he couldn't help but let out an amused expression, his ruby eyes glinting a little beneath the darkness. "Don't act as if you didn't want it in the first place, wife."

I was indeed foolish to act as if nothing happened—as if he didn't do anything. I surrendered to my body's desire and ignored my morals. No. I am the Empress! No matter how I love him. It is my utmost responsibility to choose my Empire above all else!!

"For you to mock me like this—how dare you." She hissed, her hold on the hilt of her sword were tightening. "Stop calling me wife because I am no longer one!" she cursed, taking a step forward and pushing the tip on her sword right below his chin. "Nor your Empress, nor you as the father of my children! You disgust me." Despite the feeling of a lump on her throat, she gathered all the courage she could get and said, "With your confession for scheming against the Empire that resulted in the death of many, I, the Empress, hereby declare you as a traitor of the Undine Empire and your punishment will be death—" she gritted her teeth, slowly trying to suppress her shame with anger. "—along with the rest of your family. The process of nullifying the agreement between Valhale and Undine shall immediately be effective from tomorrow onwards. My Empire shall make sure you'll regret every decision you made." I can't act vulnerable anymore. I can't be weak anymore. I have to do this—for my family.

Humming, Wolf shrugged his shoulder and moved to fix his pants. "That is if you can kill me right now—or should we wait a little later where it's more—" he trailed, grabbing the rest of her clothes and throwing it in her direction, not even fearing any chances that she would swing her sword tonight. She won't be able to do it. He confidently thought to himself. "—appropriate?" but then again, Valhallan soldiers are known to be well-inclined with fighting. I don't even think she's capable of killing me with us having a huge advantage. "Well, if you could kill us before we do." He ignored her glare and moved to take a seat on his bed finally and said, "I suggest that her majesty leaves right now before dawn breaks while I'm being nice. Don't tempt me more—" he glared back at her "—to kill you right now and alert everyone of your presence." He tilted his head and whistled, his eyes roaming on her bare thighs. It wasn't visible due to the dark, but he's confident that his cum was already dripping on her inner thigh. "I'm sure the knights wouldn't mind ravishing a beautiful and powerful woman like you. Maybe put on a nice show in front of your knights and your husbands—it'll be a good way to weaken their morale before we start the war."

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