Capitol VII

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A/N: Another update! I'll be uploading three chapters today because I have to focus on my remaining school works. (sadly, we still have online classes on going and we're currently finishing this term. It's quite stressful, honestly) I actually already have 35 chapters ready. It's a lot yes and I'm still not at the half of the story. I forgot to tell you guys that this will be a VERY LONG story because I wanted to show the story of Alathea and her relationships with her consorts, so yeah. 

Don't expect to receive the other chapters so quickly cuz I still have to edit them before publishing hehe. Stay safe!!


Right after breakfast, Wolf was assisted by butlers and maids for the upcoming activity exercise that he'll be doing with the Empress. He went out of the room followed by the royal maids and butlers as he was already asked by Empress at the stables.

His black boots met the hay filled stables as soon as he stepped inside. He was greeted by Alno, who was attending the other stallions inside. He greeted him back with a nod before finally exiting the other side of the stable.

The weather was fair and good for a ride. It's fairly windy and the sun is not as scorching as Wolf expected it to be. Alathea was already waiting, facing two stallions, her gloved hand was gently touching the two.

Alathea's court lady whispered right at her ear as she failed to notice Wolf's entrance. She looked back at him and smile "You look great" she said, gently pulling the rein of the white stallion and handing it towards Wolf. He took the rein from her hands and patted it gently, introducing himself "her name is Kayla. She's a bit hard headed but a strong horse" Alathea introduced, patting the horse's side "I'm sure she could put up with how fast you can ride" Alathea made her way up to her brown stallion, tightly holding onto the rein and positioning herself properly "She's yours by the way"

"Eh?" He looked at Alathea and his new horse.

"You'll be needing one anyway. Take care of her" She smiled at him. It took a second for Wolf to finally hold the saddle and helped himself up on the horse. Kayla made an uncomfortable snort but Wolf was quick to calm the horse "Lynx tried to ride her but she just kept pushing him away, I guess she likes you" Alathea pulled the rein to make her horse face the wide field "I heard people from Valhale Kingdom are great with horses. Care to show me how fast you can go?" Alathea's usual smile went to a teasing smirk which made Wolf caught off guard "Filith, let's go" she urged the horse, finally moving the reign in her hands. The horse sprint its way forward, towards the forest.

Wolf blinked at how fast Alathea was riding her horse. He quickly pulled his horse's reins and followed Alathea. She was way ahead of him, but it was not a problem for Wolf. He increased his speed to catch up with Alathea's.

Noticing him beside her, she gave him a glance before evading trees in her tracks "Not bad!" she shouted, urging her horse to go faster. Filith huffed below her and moved faster, his muscles were showing as he placed heavy but quick steps on the fresh green grass.

Upon seeing her increasing her speed, Wolf can't help but smirk. He is quite fascinated as this is the first time, he saw a woman ride a horse recklessly. He had to urge his horse as well to move faster. The fresh smell of leaves wafted passed by Wolf's nose. It's been a while since he last rides a horse and it was quite refreshing riding one without worrying about getting frost bites or having cold air stuck inside his nose.

It was a refreshing sight and feeling.

Remembering his dire wolf, he whistled as he knows that she was probably following them around. Viv appeared right beside him, catching up with Kayla's fast pace. Noticing a direwolf beside her, Kayla let out an uncomfortable neigh, but Wolf quickly reassured her that she was safe.

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